The parents of Jesus.
Joseph and Mary
The town where Jesus was born?
The mode of transportation Joseph and Mary used.
A donkey
How many chapters are in the book of Luke?
24 chapters
The reason that Jesus was born in a stable.
There was no room at the inn
The cousin of Mary who was also "with child".
The city where Mary and Joseph lived?
The three gifts of the wise men.
Gold, frankincense and myrrh
Name 4 fasts we can't eat fish in?
The event that helped Joseph decide to wed Mary, even though she was pregnant - and not with his child.
A dream (in which an angel told him to do it.)
The angel who announced to Mary that she was pregnant with the son of God.
The province in which Mary and Joseph lived?
The sign which appeared upon the birth of the Christ child.
A star
How many times do we celebrate the feast of the Cross each year? Bonus 200 points if you can list them too
3 times
Thout 17 and 18, Paremhotep 10
The event that informed Mary that she was pregnant.
The visit of the angel Gabriel
The father of Jesus' cousin who lost his ability to speak until he agreed to name the child John.
The country to which the Holy Family escaped?
What was Jesus born in?
A Manger
Why do we not celebrate Christmas on the 25th?
We follow the Coptic calendar
The reason Mary and Joseph needed to travel out of town.
To be registered (for taxation purposes)
The name of the king who was threatened by the news of a newborn king.
The direction of the countries from which the wise men came?
Who rejected Joseph and Mary when they went to Egypt?
The Innkeeper
What year was the temple of Solomain destroyed
70 A.D
The event that showed the shepherds where to go?
An Angel apperance