Emergency Kit
Myth or Fact
Safety During The Disaster

What is the difference between a "watch" and "warning? (ie. a tornado watch or tornado warning)

A watch means conditions are favorable for a specific hazard a warning means the hazard is imminent or occurring. (


How much water is recommended for an emergency supply kit for each person per day?

One gallon (


Hiding under an overpass is the safest place if you are driving and not near enough to buildings to seek shelter. 

MYTH - Overpass can cause a wind tunnel making it even more dangerous. This also opens you up to the projectiles being thrown around by the tornado. (


Where should you shelter during a tornado in your house?

Basement, safe room, or an interior room away from windows. (


What other locations besides your home could be helpful to have an emergency kit? (either one will work)

Car or workplace (


What is the recommended minimum duration of supplies you should have in your emergency kit?

At least 3 days (go-kit). It is recommended that your stay at home kit has 2 weeks. (


"Turn around, don't drown" only applies to at least 1ft of water. 

MYTH - At only 6 inches flood water reaches the bottom of most passenger cars which can cause stalling. At this height fast moving water can also knock an adult down. At 1ft it can float many vehicles, even some SUVs. At 2ft it can float away most vehicles. (


What is the biggest threat from a hurricane?

The water. Rainfall, flooding, and storm surge. Ensure you listen to evacuation warnings. (


What does FEMA stand for?

Federal Emergency Management Agency (


What is an essential item to include in your kit in order to receive emergency broadcasts and stay informed when other communication channels may be down?

Battery powered or hand crank radio (


Hiding under a sturdy desk or table is the best option when sheltering indoors during an earthquake. 

Fact - Drop, Cover, and Hold! Door frames are not the answer. If you are near a sturdy table or desk crawl under. If not crawl next to an interior wall. and hold on to your head and neck with both arms. (


What precautions should you take if you live in a wildfire-prone area? (any one of the answers will be accepted)

Install fire-resistant roofing, create a defensible state around your home (30-foot zone around home clear of debris, leaves, and mulch). Keep your property clear of debris, remove low-hanging branches, space vegetation out, and install sprinkler system with dedicated power source or water tank. (


How far should a generator be away from your house while running?

At least 20ft to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning or fires. You should also ensure the exhaust points away from your house. (


How often should you check and refresh the supplies in your emergency kit?

At least every six months (


You can outrun a wildfire in your car, making evacuating last minute easy.

Myth - Wildfires travel extremely fast, add in smoke reducing visibility, and driving becomes extremely dangerous. (


How can you secure your space to prep for an earth quake? (any answer on the list will be accepted)

Secure large items to the wall with straps, hooks, latches. If you own a house get it evaluated for structural integrity. 


What skills would be helpful to learn as an "intangible" addition to your emergency kit?

First aid and CPR. (


What item is helpful to have in your emergency kit to signal for help?

A whistle (


Opening windows during a hurricane or tornado equalizes pressure and reduces damage.

Myth - The damage is not caused by pressure but by extremely strong winds and flying debris. (


Where should you go if trapped in a building that is flooding?

Go to the highest level. Go to the roof only if necessary and signal for help. Do NOT climb into a closed attic as you may get trapped by rising flood water. (