What is the opposite of drought?
“I _ (watch) TV when the storm started.”
I was watching TV when the storm started
Find the translations for these words: Ағаш, найзағай
Wood, lightning
I shake the ground and make everything fall. I happen when the ground moves suddenly. What am I?
What is a natural disaster that involves a huge cloud of ash, gas, and rocks ?
Volcanic eruption
Find the mistake: “I and my mom was sleeping when the flood started.”
I and my mom were sleeping when the flood started
Find the translations for these words: Құлау/құлдырау, аман қалу
Collapse, Survive
I can be caused by strong winds or earthquakes, and I often destroy buildings and trees. What am I?
Name three natural disasters that are connected by the forces of the Earth.
Earthquake, Tsunami, Volcanic eruption
Make a question: “She was running when the earthquake happened.”
What was she doing when the earthquake happened?
Find the translations for these words: Жою, дөңгелектегі үй, қорқып қалу
Destroy, Trailer, Terrified
I strike with a sudden flash of light and a loud sound, and I can set things on fire or cause destruction. What am I?
Describe a natural disaster that happened in Kazakhstan which is still spoken in the history.
Your answer
Change to Past Continuous: “The volcano erupts while people escape.”
The volcano was erupting while people were escaping
Find the translations for these words: Сейсмикалық белсенді аймақ, күшті, жел соғу/үрлеу, шайқалу
Seismic active zone, Powerful, Blow, Shake
I cause strong shaking and can create giant waves, sometimes destroying everything in my path. I often happen after an earthquake. What am I?