Land Management Agency Trivia
Acts worth Knowing
Decision Making Process
Endangered Critters
The creation of this agency led to what is known as the "Sage Brush Revolution"
What is the BLM
Some say that this Act in practice no longer meets the "spirit of the law"
What is NEPA
A draft EIS is generated after this step in the NEPA process is completed
What is public scoping
Anyone can recommend a species be listed under this act
What is threatened and endangered species act
The Organic Act of 1916 led to the creation of this agency
What is the National Park Service
This Act, amongst other things, requires the zoning of resource areas on National Forest Land
What is the National Forest Management Act of 1976
This decision making process includes an evaluation phase
What is the Analytical - Deliberative Process
Unlike the iconic and long lasting Smokey Bear mascot and fire prevention campaign, this shorter lived mascot was utilized in a public campaign designed to reduce littering on public lands
What is Woodsy the Woodsy Owl.
This recent Act was intended to expedite the approval process for hazardous fuels reduction projects in areas adjacent to WUI by allowing Land Management Agencies to bypass the EIS process and changing the administrative appeals process
What is the Healthy Forest Restoration Act of 2003
This Federal Agency has the primary responsibility for oversight of the NEPA process
What is the Council on Environmental Quality of CEQ
This type of agreement provides regulatory assurance for non federal land owners who voluntarily aid in the recovery of listed species under the ESA
What is a Safe Harbor Agreement
This Act required a shift in philosophy for the USFS by requiring National Forest Lands to be managed for all possible uses and benefits to humans
What is the Multiple Use and Sustainable Yield Act of 1960
This agency is responsible for administration of the ESA Act as it relates mainly to marine life
What is the National Marines Fisheries Service
These two acts create a highly complex management environment due to their Linear nature and could exist under any of the land management agencies
What is the National Trails and Wild and Scenic Rivers Acts