What is natural selection?
Species that are best adapted to their environment are able to reproduce
Fill in the blank: survival of the _____
What causes evolution?
Natural selection over generations
True or false: evolution happens quickly and can change in one generation
What does evolution prove?
All species, living and extinct, are related
What is an adaptation?
Any inherited characteristic that increases an organisms chance of survival
True or false: all living things on earth, alive and extinct, are believed to have come from one organism 3.7 billion years ago.
The passing of a physical traits of organisms in the same species
What is heredity/genetics
what is evolution?
When a population changes over time to better suit their environment
True or false: Genetic Variation leads to diversity through random mutation and new allele combination and allows populations to have a greater chance of survival.
What adaptation do finches have and how does it help them?
Finches have different shaped beaks to let them access the food that is most readily available
Explain which mouse is better adapted to this environment.
The grey mouse is better adapted to this environment. Its fur color blends in with the environment and therefore is not seen by predators.
A part of the body or organ that has a reduced use of function or no use at all.
What is vestigial structures?
What is a community?
Different populations of species living in the same environment.
In an arctic habitat; are white foxes or grey foxes more likely to survive and why?
White foxes are more likely to survive becase their white coats help them blend into the snow
What is a population?
Group of the same species living in an environment.
What is the evidence for evolution? name two (we learned 5 this unit
Anatomical, Homologous structure, fossil record, Molecular Biology, Vestigial Structure
Fill in the blank: Organisms with traits that _____ their chances of surviving and reproducing in their environment tend to leave more offspring
How is Molecular biology evidence of Evolution?
Scienctists see similar DNA, identical genes, and methods of heredity in similar organisms
Are mutations random?
In an environment with food that grows on trees; are animals with long legs more likely to survive than animals with short legs and why?
Yes, animals with long legs, necks or any trait that makes them taller will be more likely to survive because they have easier access to food.
True or false : populations evolve, not individuals.
Fill in the blank: Natural selection over many generations causes ______
How does natural selection of this population cause evolution?
The environment chooses the gray mouse trait to be more advantageous in this population. Over time, this population will change because the gray mouse trait will become more common than the tan mouse trait.
True or false: Survival of the fittest is which determines which species is the strongest