Male mosquitos usually feed on nectar; it's the female mosquitos who usually feed on this substance
What is blood?
What is the Process by Which Plants Make Their Own Food Called?
What is Photosynthesis?
What ocean is the deepest in the world?
What is the Pacific Ocean?
The heaviest rainfall comes from this type of cloud also called a thunderhead
What is cumulonimbus?
The oldest U.S national park founded in 1872
What is Yellowstone National Park?
Instead of bones a shark's skeleton is made up of this material
What is cartilage?
What is the Green Pigment in Plants that Helps Capture Sunlight for Photosynthesis?
What is Chlorophyll?
The world's deepest cave is in?
World Book says experimenting with this force Benjamin Franklin knocked himself unconscious at least once
What is lightning (electricity)?
The country with the most natural lakes?
What is Canada?
This largest living bird may live 70 years
What is an ostrich?
What is the world's tallest tree?
What is California Redwood?
The Topkapi Palace is in which country?
What is Turkey?
A plume of magma rising from the Earth's mantle can split a continental plate in two and form this type of valley
What is a rift valley?
What country has the largest population in the world
What is India?
The color of flamingos when they are born
What is gray?
What is the most common carnivorous plant?
What is the Venus Fly Trap?
The tallest mountain in Japan is
What is Mount. Fuji?
By volume, this gas makes up about 78% of Earth's atmosphere
What is nitrogen?
With more than 9 million guests per year this is the most visited national park in the world
What is the Great Smoky Mountains National Park?
Most of the world's lemurs live on this island off Africa's east coast
What is Madagascar?
The world's fastest growing plant
What is bamboo?
Which country produces the most coffee?
What is Brazil?
What's the world's longest Mountain range
What is The Andes?
What is the world's largest desert?