Scientific Method
Experimental and Control Groups
Characteristics of Living Things

What is the first step of the scientific method?

he first step is to make an observation and ask a question.


What is an independent variable?

An independent variable is the variable that is deliberately changed or manipulated in an experiment.


What is an experimental group? What is a control group?

An experimental group is the group in an experiment that receives the treatment or condition being tested.

A control group is a group in an experiment that does not receive the treatment and is used as a benchmark to measure how the experimental group performs.


What is a hypothesis?

A hypothesis is a testable statement predicting the relationship between two or more variables.


 Name one characteristic of living things.

Made of cells, grow and develop, reproduce, maintain homeostasis, metabolism, movement, response to environment, genetic code, evolution


What is a theory?

A theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that is based on a body of evidence and can be tested.


What is a dependent variable?

A dependent variable is the variable that is measured or observed in an experiment to assess the effect of the independent variable.


What do we compare the experimental group to?

We compare the experimental group to the control group, which does not receive the treatment.


How do you formulate a hypothesis?

A hypothesis can be formulated by identifying the independent and dependent variables, and stating a predicted relationship between them (if-then format).


What is homeostasis?

Homeostasis is the process by which living organisms maintain a stable internal environment despite external changes.


What is the purpose of a conclusion?

The purpose of a conclusion is to summarize the findings of an experiment and determine whether the hypothesis is supported or refuted.


How do you identify control variables?

Control variables are identified by recognizing all the factors that must remain constant to ensure that any observed changes are due to the manipulation of the independent variable.


What happens if there is no experimental group?

If there is no experimental group, there would be no way to assess the effects of the treatment, making it impossible to draw conclusions from the experiment.


What makes a hypothesis testable?

A hypothesis is testable if it can be supported or refuted through experimentation and observation.


How do living things respond to stimuli? Give an example

Living things respond to stimuli through movement, behavioral changes, or physiological adjustments.

ex: someone taps you on the shoulder and you turn around; a ball gets thrown in your direction and you flinch; you touch a hot stove while cooking and pull your hand away


What is a controlled experiment?

A controlled experiment is one in which only one variable is changed at a time while all other conditions are kept constant to isolate the effects of that variable.


Give an example of a hypothesis involving variables.

If I increase the amount of sunlight a plant receives (independent variable), then the plant's growth rate (dependent variable) will increase.


What happens if the control group is not properly maintained?

If the control group is not properly maintained, it may introduce variables that can skew results, making it difficult to draw valid conclusions.


 Give an example of a hypothesis that is not supported

There is no significant difference in the growth of plants with fertilizer compared to those without fertilizer.


 Explain the importance of metabolism for living organisms.

Living things need food in order to survive. They get energy from food, and use that energy to drive the processes needed to keep the organism alive.


How does peer review improve scientific research?

Peer review improves scientific research by providing an evaluation from other experts in the field, which helps identify errors, biases, and ensures the research meets quality standards before publication.


 Explain the difference between qualitative and quantitative data.

Qualitative data describes characteristics or qualities (e.g., color, texture), while quantitative data consists of numbers and measurements (e.g., height, weight).


Can a control group ever be the same as the experimental group? Why or why not?

No, a control group cannot be the same as the experimental group because it needs to remain unchanged to serve as a baseline for comparison.


Why is it important to revise a hypothesis?

It is important to revise a hypothesis based on new evidence or findings to ensure that it accurately reflects the observed outcomes and can lead to further experimentation.  


Describe the difference between growth and development. 

Growth refers to an increase in size or mass, while development involves changes in the organism's structure and function over time, including maturation and differentiation.