Identifying Variables 1
Identifying Variables 2

Jen wanted to answer the question: How does the mass of a car affect its gas mileage. 

What is the IV?

Mass of car.


Anna wanted to see what battery lasted the longest. She put each battery into a clock and recorded the time that the clock stopped. She used Duracell, Energizer, and EverReady.

What is the IV? 

Battery brand.

Standard for comparison. The absence of the IV or normal condition.



What is the difference between qualitative and quantitative data? Provide an example of each.

Qualitative- non-numerical. ie. observations.

Quantitative- numerical data ie. measurements.


Steve wanted to test how the mass of a toy car affected the distance it would roll.

What is the IV and DV?

IV- mass of car.

DV- Distance rolled. 


Taylor wanted to see if the amount of soda  she drank affected how many hours she slept every day

What is the IV and DV?

IV- amount of soda drank.

DV- hours slept every day.


Graph used to compare categories.

Bar graph.


You want to see if there is a correlation between the amount of hours slept, and student performance on a test. Which type of graph is most appropriate to show the results?



Oscar wanted to see if adding salt to soil affected plant growth. 

Identify 3 constant variables. 

Type of plant.


Soil type.

Water amount. 



Oscar did an experiment to see if the type of dog breed you are affects the time it takes to run a mile.

Identify 3 constants. 

Same location for mile. 

Same diet.

Same sleep.

Same age of dog. 


Factor that changes due to the IV; what is being measured; Data collected during an investigation.

Dependent variable. 


You and your friend are conducting a survey on which sport is the most popular amongst high school students. Which type of graph should you use?

Bar graph.


Students wanted to see how the volume of a helium balloon would change when the balloon was brought into rooms with different temperatures.

What is the problem statement? 

How does the temperature of a room affect the volume of a helium balloon?

Oscar wanted to see if the brand of sneakers worn affected how fast he ran his mile in gym class. 

What is the problem statement?

How does the brand of sneakers worn affect how fast Oscar runs his mile? 


Variables that remain the same throughout the experiment.

Constant variables. 


You had measured the temperature of a liquid as you heated it on a stove for 10 minutes. Which type of graph is most appropriate to show the results?

Line graph.


Does the amount of water you drink affect the amount of times you use the bathroom?

What is the IV, DV, and 2 constants?  

IV- Amount of water drank

DV- amount of times you use the bathroom

Constants- type of water. Time you drink water. Person. Regular diet. Activity level, etc.


How does the color of the light affect plant growth?

What is the IV, DV, and 2 constants?  

IV- color of the light.

DV- plant growth.

Constants- same plant. same toil. same age of plants. water amount. etc. 


A process of finding the answer to a question using various research methods.




You are given a graph showing the relationship between height of the plant, and the amount of salt in the soil. 

Height of plant (cm)- Dependent variable (Y)

Amount of salt (g)- Independent variable (X)

Slope = 1.5 cm/g

Explain the relationship between the two variables using slope as evidence.  

For every 1 gram of salt added to the soil, the height of the plant will increase by 1.5 cm