Study of Science
Law or Theory?
Obtaining information using the senses. (smell, sight, touch, hearing)
What is observation?
The natural sciences are normally divided into the life, earth/space, and ________________.
What is physical science?
The base unit for length in the metric system.
What is meter?
Living things are made of cells and cells are the basic unit of life.
What is cell theory?
What you use to record and display your data when looking for relationships among the variables.
What is a data table or graph?
Ideas that cannot be replicated or repeated, and is not backed up with data or evidence. Fake science.
What is an Pseudoscience?
The type of data the scientists record from making observations based on measurements in science?
What is an inference?
Tool used to measure mass.
What is a triple-beam balance (double pan balance) or a scale?
Matter and energy is neither created or destroyed.
What is law of conservation of mass and energy?
After making observations and inferences you create this which is a possible explanation of your observations and can be tested.
What is a hypothesis?
The investigation and exploration of natural events that occur in the world around us.
What is science?
A representation of something in the natural world, typically too small or large to study up close.
What is a model?
The measure of the amount of space an object takes up and its base unit.
What is volume and liter?
An object at rest tends to stay at rest, and an object in motion tends to stay in motion...
What are the Newton's Law of Gravity?
If your hypothesis is proven correct this is the next step in the process.
What is repeat and replicate the test?
A well-supported explanation of the natural world (hint: explains WHY something happens).
What is theory?
DAILY DOUBLE: Name three reliable sources that can be used when conducting research (as you will be doing for science fair).
What are the Internet (.org, .gov, .edu websites), encyclopedia, nonfiction books, scientific periodicals/articles, or publications of other scientists' work, and peer reviewed journals?
The Formula for density.
What is M/V=D?
The lithosphere is divided into plates that move around earth's surface.
What is the theory of plate tectonics?
The axis that is used to plot the responding/outcome variable.
What is the y axis?
Describes a basic principle of nature that always occurs under certain conditions (hint: describes HOW something happens).
What is a law?
Explain how to design a valid experiment.
What is to create experiment procedures that help to answer the problem question, create a testable hypothesis, list materials, collect data, analyze and share evidence. Must be repeatable and replicable. OR What is to carefully design/control the variables in an experiment (constant, IV, DV)?
DAILY DOUBLE: Explain why the metric system is much "easier" to use (not WHY scientist use the metric system).
What is it is based on the powers of ten? (all you have to do is move the decimal point when converting between units because of this). England used to use the King's foot as a unit of measurement and it would change every time they got a new king.
All matter is composed of atoms.
What is the Atomic Theory?
Three science safety rules.
Many possible answers.