Natural Indicators of Weather
Weather Forcasts
Extreme Weather
Poisonous Plants
Red skies at what time of day indicate bad weather?
Morning Explanation: Dry, dusty air appears reddish when moving towards east during sunrise. This may indicate that moist air is pushing in from the west, along with stormy weather. "Red sky at morning, sailor take warning"
What does a blue H represent on a weather map?
High pressure
The safest place to go during a tornado if you are in school is...?
the stairwell or the hall of the first floor
What is California's state animal?
(California) Grizzly bear
What parts of the poison oak plant contain the oil that causes irritation.
All parts
Where do birds fly when stormy weathers are imminent?
Close to the ground. Explanation: This is because the low air pressures that bring about stormy weather make insects fly close to the ground. The birds follow. "Swallows flying near the ground mean a storm will come around."
This kind of air mass is found in the warm sector of a low pressure system.
Warm/tropical air mass
Where do the most tornadoes occur in the US?
Central or mid western part of the US
What is California's state fish?
golden trout
Cacti have this kind of barb, making them painful to remove.
reverse barbs
If grass is in this state in the morning, there may be stormy weather.
Dry Explanation: On cloudy nights, grass may not get cold enough to form dew. This may be indicative of stormy weather. "When grass is dry at morning light, look for rain before the night"
What does a rain gauge do?
Measures precipitation (rain)
What is one of nature's most dangerous weather event with swirling winds that can reach speeds over 200 mph.
What is California's state bird?
(California) Quail
When mature, the berries of this poisonous plant are dark purple or black. It resembles a potato plant.
Nightshade (Nightshade and potatoes are in the same family of flowering plants)
The disappearance of what from flower beds may indicate bad weather?
bees and butterflies (insects)
This type of front has the steepest vertical slope.
cold front
You are outside in a soccer game and you hear thunder. What should you do?
lay low on the open field, go under a substantial, concrete shelter, or get in the car
A subspecies of elk that is only found in California. It's endangered and its habitat ranges from grasslands to the marshlands of Central Valley
Tule elk
A poisonous plant found commonly along stream banks, on the edges of wet meadows, and in shaded moist waste environments. It possesses many small, bristly, stinging hairs.
Stinging Nettles
Wind blowing from what cardinal direction to what may indicate bad weather?
East to west (easterly winds)
What is an essential meteorological tool that measure reflected sound waves instead of light or energy like typical satellites?
Doppler radar
What is the difference between a tornado and a funnel cloud?
While tornadoes touch the ground, funnel clouds do not
A near-throated species of bird that is found in California’s San Francisco Bay to southern Bajo California.
Brewer's blackbird
In what type of habitat are poodle dog bushes most commonly found it?
chaparral (vegetation consisting chiefly of tangled shrubs and thorny bushes.)