What is a Coxswain?
The most senior in a ship or corps
What is the brow
The entrance/exit area where you must salute when entering or leaving.
What is Kye?
Hot chocolate
What is the word for a break?
The complement of a ship is called?
Ships company
What would you say to communicate to a crowd of people that you need them to move
What is the ceiling on a ship called?
The deckhead
What is the name of the ceremony of lowering the flags at the end of the night?
What is the name for the division selected near the end of the night to clean the ship?
Duty division
What is the name for the ship's kitchen?
The galley
What is the name for the wall on the ship?
What is the name of the sound produced by the boatswain's call?
The pipe
What is the name for the ship's lost and found bin?
The scran locker
Who is the person who announces the beginning of colours and sunset?
The quartermaster
What is the name for the ship's cleaning storage room?
Boatswain's stores
What is the ceremony of raising the flags at the start of the night?
What word means to close up or put away gear
What is the name of the chief boatswain's mate?
The buffer
What is the name for the right side of the ship?
What happens before we are dismissed for the night?
Liberty boat
What is the name for rum mixed with two parts water?
What order is called to tell people to be quiet?
Pipe down