Sequencing Charts
Grad Requirements
Course Numbers

What are the steps, starting on the Lincoln High School main webpage, to access all of the sequencing charts. 

- Hover over "Parents & Students"

- Click on "Academic & Career Planning Guide"

- Click "Course Offerings"

- Click "Course Sequencing Charts"


How many years of English does each student need to take and pass as part of their graduation requirement.

4 years (credits)


Ninth grade PE is a required physical education course. It meets every day for one semester and equals (.5 or 1/2 credit).



The first Culinary/cooking class you can take at Lincoln is...

Food Exploration


True or False, Cosmetologists, Court Clerks, Fire fighters, and teachers are all careers found within the Human Services pathway.  



Which class is a prerequisite for all 2-D and 3-D art classes.

Exploring Art


9th grade students have to take a US History class. What are the 2 courses available to fulfill this graduation requirement?

- Modern U.S. History

- Advanced Modern U.S. History


Biology is the ninth grade life science course.  What is the course number for Biology?



In Theater arts, which class is required before you can take "Acting, Directing, and Playwriting?"

Introduction to Threatre


In the "Health Science Technology Pathway", what are 3 jobs currently in demand in the area of Direct Patient Care.  


- Dentist

- Home Health Aide

- Physician

- Registered Nurse

- Surgeon


For these classes, taking Chemistry or Physics is recommended to prepare you for the rigor of the class.

Organic Chemistry, AP Chemistry, AP Biology, Advanced Physics


If a student fails 9th grade ELA, do they have to make up that credit? If so, how would they make up that credit?

Yes. They would have to retake 9th grade ELA, while they are in 10th grade (while also taking 10th grade ELA).  


Lincoln High School offers a great sequence of Engineering courses.  What is the course number for the beginning course called, "Introduction to Engineering and Design?"



Jazz Ensemble is a wonderful music course offered at Lincoln.

Name a class which is required to take at the same time as Jazz Ensemble.

One of the following:
White band
Red band
Black band


Within the Arts, Communications, & Information Systems Pathway, business intelligence analyst, computer system engineer, and database administrator are all jobs in demand within this career field.  

Information Support and Network Administration


On the non-accelerated English pathway, 11th and 12th grade students have to take both Language and Literature courses. Name 4 Language and 4 Literature courses available.

See Sequencing Chart


You can fulfill your Civics requirement by taking one of two courses. Name the two courses.  

Civics or AP U.S. Government and Politics


Lincoln offers Spanish, French, and German world language courses.  

Find the course number for German 1.



Assistant Childcare Teacher is a course offered in the Family and Consumer Education Department.
Name the class that needs to be taken prior to this one.

Child Development


If I'm interested in Manufacturing, how much can I expect to make as an entry level (new employee) in this field? How much will I make as an experienced employee in this field?

Entry level: 47,1892

Experienced: $74,361


If you would like to take AP English as a 12th grade student, what courses would you have to take in grades 9, 10, and 11?

Accelerated 9th grade English.

Accelerated 10th grade English.

Accelerated 11th grade English.


There are 3 classes that meet the Financial Literacy graduation requirement.  Name 2 of the 3 classes.  

- On Your Own

- Personal Finance

- Economics


The Computer Science courses are listed in the Business and Information Technology department.  Find the course number for Web Development 1.



Programming Introduction is a course in the Business and Information Technology department.  Which class is a prerequisite?

Web Development 1



85% of job success comes from having well-developed soft skills, and only 15% of job success comes from technical skills. Name the 5 soft skills that are important for job success. 

Determine how much you wish to wager, if you are correct, you win DOUBLE.  If you are wrong, you lose the points that you wagered. 

- Communication

- Critical Thinking

- Leadership

- Teamwork

- Time Management