Chris Rock was slapped by whom in 2022?
What is, Will Smith.
When was the attack of Pearl Harbor?
December 7, 1941
Naruto is based off of what location?
Who was the first appointed U.S. Treasurer?
Alexander Hamilton.
Who implemented the interstate system?
President Eisenhower
Shug Knight
When was the Declaration of Independance signed?
August 2, 1776.
A Boeing 777 is equipped with how many engines?
Who is known as the "Father of the American Navy"?
John Paul Jones
Commander in Chief
The honorable Joe Biden
What is Taylor Swift's tour name?
Eras tour
Spell "Master Chief" using the phonetic alphabet
Mike, Alpha, Sierra, Tango, Echo, Romeo, Charlie, Hotel, India, Echo, Foxtrot
When was the CPO rank established?
1 April 1893.
What is the goal of the winglet on the C40?
Fuel efficiency