Time in Service requirement for this pay grade is 18 months
What is E2 to E3?
Transportation, Per Diem, and Miscellaneous Reimbursable Expenses are examples of _________
What are the 3 major types of standard travel and transportation allowances?
This RE code is ineligible for reenlistment
What is RE4?
This member has to respond
This member is for information purposes only
What is a via?
What is a copy to?
An offense for which the maximum sentence imposable would not include a dishonorable discharge or confinement for longer than 1 year if tried by general
What is a minor offense?
Aircrew Program, Meritorious Advancement Program (MAP), Recruit Advanced Paygrade Programs are examples of _____________
What are ways to advance without participation in the Navy Wide Advancement Exam?
This is a daily rate that covers Lodging, meals and incidental expenses
What is per diem?
This RE code is ineligible for Reenlistment because of the following status:
Fleet Reserve, Retired (Except For Transfer To TDRL), Commissioned Officer, Warrant Officer
What is RE-2?
This is the preferred font and size for correspondence
What is Times New Roman font size 10-12?
Standard of proof at NJP
What is preponderance of the evidence?
This paygrade participates in Navy-Wide Advancement Exam annually
What is E7 candidates or E6 personnel?
This item is not a factor when calculating per diem
What is lodging location?
Sailors will now review and sign their DD214 on ____________ vice ______________
What is NSIPS vice BOL?
This format of a date is only used in the senders symbol
What is abbreviated date format?
This article of the UCMJ is absence without leave
What is article 86?
This paygrade has a max award points of 10
What is pay grade E5?
When a booking through an online agent Reimbursement is allowed only if the traveler provides this item
What is certificate of non availability (CNA)?
Reservist personnel will receive this document along with their DD214
What is DD214-1 (Reserve component addendum)?
These types of correspondence should be answered within 5, 10 and 20 working days of receipt
What is Correspondence from Congress, controlled correspondence and Freedom of privacy act requests?
This article of the UCMJ is wrongful use, possession, etc., of controlled substances
What is Article 112a?
This is the range of minimum and maximum points allowed for a standard score on the Navy-Wide Advancement Exam
What is 20-80?
This is the OCONUS reduced incidental expense rate is for travelers staying in government quarters at a U.S. installation, unless the AO approves the full OCONUS
What is $3.50?
These agencies will receive copies of a Sailor’s DD-214
What is Veteran's Affairs and Department of Labor?
These are suggested colors for ink for editing correspondence for Activity Heads, Deputy Heads/XOs, Heads of administrative, Heads of Departments
What is RED for Activity Heads, GREEN for Deputy Heads/XOs, PURPLE for Heads of Administration, and BLUE for Heads of Departments
This section of the MCM covers punitive charges
What is MCM Part IV (4)?