What direction should ships turn to in a head on situation
Identify this rank and/or pay grade
E6, Petty Officer First Class
What was the act called, where British would take American sailors and put them in British service?
What are the core values of the Navy
Honor, Courage, Commitment
F-16 Fighting Falcon
What is a great circle route?
A path which passes through the center of the earth / bisects it.
Identify the Following Rank and Pay Grade
O4 - LCDR - Lieutenant Commander
What year did the Great White Fleet Set Sail?
When is the Birthday of the Marine Corps?
November 10, 1776
About how many aircraft make up a squadron?
12-24 Aircraft
List the hierarchy of vessels.
NUC; RAM; CBD; Fishing; Sailing; Power Driven; Seaplane; WIG
What is the following warfare qualification pin for?
About how many guns did a sloop of war have?
10-20 guns
Who is the current MCPON?
James Honea
What is the designation of the A-10 Warthog's main gun?
The GAU-8 Avenger 30mm
Which vessel may exhibit two all round lights, red and green, near the top of her mast
A sailing vessel underway
What rank is an E-4 in the Space Force
Specialist 4
What was the name of the incident, in which the then Secretary of War's son was executed for mutiny?
The Sommers Affair
Spell Forrestal in the phonetic alphabet
Foxtrot; Oscar; Romeo; Romeo; Echo; Sierra; Tango; Alpha; Lima.
What is the designation of this aircraft?
22.5 degrees abaft the beam
What two pay grades does the Navy have that the Coast Guard does not?
What were the names of the four aircraft carriers the Japanese lost at the Battle of Midway?
Akagi, Kaga, Soryu, and Hiryu
Who is the current Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of staff?
Admiral Christopher W. Grady
Seymour Johnson AFB, North Carolina