Developmental Needs of Campers
A Day at Camp
Safety & Operating Procedures
Campers in this age range are torn between childhood and adolescence.

What is 10-12 years old? (6th-8th grade)


These are the core hours of camp. 

What is 8:00am-3:00pm?


Use of this device should be restricted to your personal time unless communicating an emergency to a manager.

What is your cell phone?


Campers in this age range are learning to reason and understand their environment. 

What is 4-6 years old? (Kindergarten - 1st grade)


Campers who do not want the provided snack in extended day will eat their snack from home in this location.

What is outside?


When needing support you need to communicate these 3 things via walkie talkie. 

What is your name, current location, and general reason for support?


Camp offers this age group a wide range of activities to test out as they expand their interests. 

What is 7-9 years old? (2nd-4th grade)

Someone came to pick up a camper up and you have never seen them before. Name two things you should do.

What is ask how you can help and ask to see their ID? 


The policy that means you cannot be alone with a camper is often referred to as this.

What is the "Rule of 3"?


Camp offers this age group a chance to increase self-confidence outside their family.

What is 4-6 years old? (Kindergarten - 1st grade)


A camper is having a difficult time engaging appropriately with others. Name 2 options of ways you can help. 

What is offer them a break to regroup and have a conversation with them about how they can engage appropriately? (Other options: Offer them a fidget, have them be a helper with a specific task, etc.)


Campers sitting next to leaders or staff, only giving high-fives, and refraining from tickling or giving hugs are all examples of this. 

What is "Appropriate Physical Boundaries"?


Campers who are extremely reactive to sensory information and may find it overwhelming may be this.

What is Hypersensitive? (Sensory Overload: bright lights, loud sounds, scratchy tags on clothing, distracted by background noise are indicators that a child may be hypersensitive or in sensory overload.)


A parent is requesting their child be in a different group. Tell us how you can respond. 

What is "We are unable to accommodate group changes at this time, but I'm happy to make sure your child is able to see their friend at some point in the day."


The ratio of staff to campers (not including leaders) is this.

What is 1:20 for K-5th and 1:25 for 6th-8th grade?