Convo Skills
What should I do?
What is the formula for area of trapezoid





A boy is kicking leaves.

What can you infer? 


It’s fall

He likes playing outside

He is getting dirty

He will have to take a shower


How might a person feel after they make a mistake? What could you do or say to them? 

Sad, regretful, upset, guilty

Encourage them, comfort them

I am sorry you feel that way

We can learn from our mistakes


How do you keep a conversation going?

How do you end a conversation?

Make connected comments and questions

Gotta go bye

Talk later

I enjoyed hanging out, see you later


You lost your pencil at school and you do not have another one. What do you do?

Ask a friend or teacher to borrow one.

Ask Mrs. Darden for a mechanical pencil. 


What is the formula for volume of rectangular prism



That man is carrying a suitcase. 

What can you infer?


He is going on vacation

He is visiting family or friends

He is going to stay over night


How might a person feel after they studied hard for a test, but did not pass. What could you say to them

Sad, disappointed, upset, frustrated, angry

That’s a bummer, maybe you can retake it.

We can study together.

You will do better next time. 


A friend tells you about this new video game you have never heard of

What questions and on topic comments could you make?

Questions: What is your favorite part of the game?

Why do you like it so much?

Is there fighting or do you get to build things?

Comments: I love playing videos games too. I prefer ones that I can build stuff. My favorite game Is… 


I get pulled out of class, and I think I missed important information in class. What can I do

Ask the teacher for anything you missed. 

Ask classmates for missed work.

Ask Mrs. Darden for help getting missed work. 


 If the volume of a rectangular prism is 40 cubic units and its base area is 10 square units, what is its height?



While eating ice cream, she started yelling in pain.

What can you infer?


She got a brain freeze from the ice cream


Sammy made two goals in his soccer game, but his team lost the game. How is Sammy feeling? What could you say to Sammy 

Sad and happy, bummed out, proud of his goal

Nice goals, your team will get a win soon.

You played great in your game sorry you lost, you’ll get them next time. 


Eli talks about his day at school.

What questions and on topic comments could you make?

Questions: How was your day? 

What made it good/bad? Can I do anything to make you feel better? 

Comments: I hope you have a good day tomorrow. My day was good/bad. 


I do not understand the instructions, what can I do.

Ask the teacher for more help.

Ask the teacher for a printed copy of instructions.

Ask to work with a friend.


If the length of a rectangular prism is 3 units, the width is 2 units and its volume is 12 cubic units, find its height



He walked into school carrying something round, white, and black, but I couldn’t tell what it was. 

What can you infer


He has a soccer ball.

He plays sports.

He has practice after school.


A student is upset in class, and other kids are making fun of him. How do you think the student feel and what could you say

hurt, embarrassed, frustrated, defeated, discouraged, alone

That is being mean, he is struggling with something. 

We do not know what he is going through. 

Things can be harder for other people, we should be patient with him. 


Ali starts talking about the book he is reading

What questions and on topic comments could you make?

Questions: Who is the main character? What is your favorite part? Do you like the book? 

Comments: Reading isn‘t my favorite Activity. I like more comic book styles. 


I do not know what I am supposed to be working on, what can I do?

I can ask someone in my class.

I can check the board for instructions.

I can ask the teacher.


Find the area of a trapezoid with bases of lengths 10 cm and 14 cm, and a height of 5 cm.



The teacher walked into late to class soaked head to toe.

What can you infer


The teacher got caught in the rain.

The teacher doesn’t have an umbrella. 

Another class dumped water on her head.


Johnny sees his best friend with the brand new skateboard that he wanted.

How is Johnny feeling and what could you say to him 

Jealous, excited for his friend

Maybe he will let you take a ride on his new skateboard.

You could start saving money for it and buy one too. 


Ciera starts playing Taylor Swift music while your talking on the phone. 

What questions and on topic comments could you make?

Questions: What is your favorite song? Have you seen her in concert? 

Comments: I like listening to pop music. My favorite song is… 


I am in class and things are going wrong, I am feeling overwhelmed. 

What can I do?

I can ask for a break.

I can ask to see Mrs. Darden. 

I can use a calm corner.

I can ask to call my mom.

I can Ask to go visit Ms. Dawn