Important Details
Also important
Also important
Lit Devices

The first sentence of a CR

What is a claim sentence?


How many quotes you should include in CR (unless the instructions say otherwise)

What is 2?


This should be in quotation marks or italics every single time it shows up in your paragraph.

What is the title?


The last sentence of a CR.

What is a conclusion sentence? (or what is a closing sentence?)

This is a safe bet if you're unsure which lit device to discuss, because it exists in every piece of writing. 

What is diction? (or, what is word choice?)


This comes immediately after a quote -- after the quotation marks and before the period.

What is a citation?

What you must do to the title and author's name every time either one appears in your submission.

What is capitalize?


For the written responses on the EOC, half of your points are for mechanics: grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and paragraph structure. The other half of your points are for this.

What is your answer?


Never, ever end your paragraph with one of these.

What is a quote?

This is developed by the author's or narrator's attitude on the topic.

What is tone?


The part of the evidence sentence that is in your own words

What is a lead-in?


Your reasoning should be at least this much longer than your quote.

What is twice as long?


For a poem, your citation should be this. 

What is a line number?


On exam day, your teacher cannot do this at all in any way. 

What is answering a question?


If a question asks how the author uses literary devices to develop a theme, along with stating the literary devices you choose, you must provide this information as part of your answer.

What is the theme?


Contains the author, title, language from the prompt, and your answer

What is a claim sentence?


You must provide a separate one for every single quote you use -- you can't use the same one for multiple quotes.

What is reasoning?


You should never use these in a CR (or in any academic writing) unless they are inside a direct quote from the text.

What are personal pronouns?


Trim your quote so that it flows naturally with your lead-in, because your evidence sentence needs to be this.

What is grammatically correct?


When you write about this lit device, you want to focus on how it triggers one or more of your senses.

What is imagery?


The majority of the paragraph

What is reasoning? (or, what is elaboration?)

Any time you are meant to type out your answer on the EOC, you should structure it like this, even if the instructions don't tell you to.

What is a CR? (or what is a Constructed Response? or what is a claim/evidence/reasoning paragraph?)


To figure out a text's theme, start by noticing which _____ are in the text, then determine what the message about each of them is.

What are motifs? (or, what are thematic topics?)


The prompt: How does the author use literary devices to develop characterization? 

What this claim sentence is missing: In "Recitatif" by Toni Morrison, the author uses literary devices to develop characterization.

What is your answer?


When you write about this lit device, it is crucial to analyze specific, individual words from the quote.

What is diction?