How long do you need to be separated before getting a divorce?
One year!
Who is Modern Legal's founder?
Theresa Viera
Is one parent favored in child custody cases?
Does NC have a tool to calculate Child Support?
Yes! We have a calculator. Parents will use Worksheet A if one parent has primary custody, and Worksheet B if the parents share joint custody
What is typically considered "separate" property?
Property acquired before the date of marriage, inheritance
What is the term for a restraining order that protects victims of domestic violence?
Domestic Violence Protective Order (DVPO)
In what states are we licensed?
NC and SC
What is physical custody?
The right to have the child physically in your care (scheduled time)
Does NC use a parent's gross income or net income to calculate child support?
Gross income
What is the legal claim for property division called in NC?
Equitable Distribution
How do you prove that you have been separated for a year?
Your testimony alone can prove your separation
How many attorneys are at Modern Legal?
5! (Theresa, Deb, Tiffany, Sabrina, Olivia)
What is legal custody?
The right to make major decisions about the child (i.e., medical, education, religion)
What variables are considered in calculating child support?
Daycare expenses, health insurance costs, extraordinary expenses
When does alimony end (regardless of the time period set by a Judge)?
If the spouse receiving alimony (the dependent spouse) remarries/moves in with a new romantic partner, or one of the parties dies
How can family law matters be resolved? (Name 3 approaches)
Negotiation, Mediation, Arbitration, Collaborative Law, Litigation
Master of Social Work
What actions may negatively impact a parent in Child Custody proceedings? (list 3)
How many overnights does a parent need to have with the child in order to be on Worksheet B?
123 overnights
What happens is neither party files for property division before the divorce judgment is signed?
The parties lose the right to ask the Court to divide their property -- you'll keep the property in your name, your spouse will keep the property in their name, and joint property will remain in joint names