Force and Motion

What is an amoeba is an example of?

What is a single-celled organism?


This causes a pencil that falls off a desk to move toward the floor? 

What is gravity?


This is the best explanation for how air masses move across the United States.  

What is the jet stream?


This must occur before clouds can form.  

Water vapor must lose heat energy.


This is an example of a single-celled organism?

What is an amoeba, yeast, algae, and protozoa and bacteria?


Most multicellular organisms need this because they are unable to exchange gases with the outside environment.

What is a transport system?


The balls are moving at the same speed.  This is true of the ball that has a mass of 20 kg.

ball with a mass of 5 kg

 B ball with a mass of 10 kg

 C ball with a mass of 15 kg

 D ball with a mass of 20 kg

What is would require the most force to stop its motion?


This is responsible for winds at the beach changing direction between day and night.  

What is the temperatures over land and over water change?


After a rain, a puddle of water remains on a sidewalk. After a day of sunshine, the puddle is gone. This process is most responsible for the disappearance of the puddle. 

What is evaporation?


This is why multicellular organisms need transport systems. 

What is to exchange gases with the outside environment.


A grassland's eagle population suddenly decreases and causes this most likely effect. 

What is the ecosystem becomes overpopulated with snakes?


A child rides a wagon down a hill. Eventually, the wagon comes to a stop. This is most responsible for causing the wagon to stop. 

 What is friction acting on the wagon?


This will most likely be the result of a low-pressure weather system. 

What is cloudy, rainy, snowy, or sleety weather?


This is how evaporation and condensation are similar.

What are the changes in heat energy?


These are best show the structure of the digestive system.

What are the esophagus, stomach, and intestines? 


As more people have moved to the beach, this is the most likely cause of a decrease in the sea turtle population.

What is an increase in habitat loss?


This can cause a moving object to increase its speed in a forward direction. 

What is a force that continually acts on the object in the direction the object is moving? 


This is the cause of rising surface temperatures of the Pacific Ocean, drought in the western United States, and flooding on the Pacific coast of South America. 

What is El Niño?


This process allows green plants to control the amount of water stored in their leaves. 

What is transpiration? a/k/a plant sweat


This is a function of the cardiovascular system. 

What is transporting gases throughout the body?


A simple food chain includes hawks, lizards, and insects. This will most likely happen to the lizard and hawk populations if a pesticide is sprayed to kill the insects, and the lizard and hawk populations cannot find other food in this ecosystem. 

What is both the lizard population and the hawk population will decrease? 


The speed of a ball as it is thrown straight up into the air and comes back down. This is true about its speed round trip.

What is the ball goes slower and slower as it goes up, stops, and then goes faster and faster as it comes down?


This is the likely result of a warm front will be moving into the area in the next 24 hours. 

What are cloudy skies and rainy weather?


A student notices that an inflated balloon gets larger when it is warmed by a lamp. This best describes the mass of the balloon as a result of this change.

What is the mass of the balloon stays the same because the gas inside the balloon still has the same mass after it warms up?


A scientist is trying to decide whether an organism is unicellular or multicellular. This information would help the scientist most to make her decision. 

What is how many types of cells are in the organism?