Who do you call first in case of emergency
What is 911?
What is on the playground by the fence?
What do you need to have in your classroom along with the diaper creams, suncscreens, bugsprays?
What is signed form from parent?
What is required on before a child can start?
What is the ratio for each age?
What is 0-12 months 1:5, 1 year 1:6 2 years 1:9 3 years 1:10, 4-5 years 1:13
What is the first step when handling an emergency situation?
What is Assess the situation?
Where do you evacuate when there is a tornado/tornado drill?
What is bathrooms and/or closet?
What is locked away in a high cabinet in the classroom?
What is required before a staff member can start?
What is NC background check, medical report, TB test?
What is 1:6?
Where is the Emergency Preparedness Plan located in the school?
What is in the binder in the office?
Where do you go in case of a lockdown?
What is In your designated area that is posted in your classroom?
Where are the children's medical forms kept?
What is in the office?
What color copy of an incident report goes home with parents? Where does the other copy go?
What is White and Yellow in the office?
If you are alone in the classroom during potty time where you should you be standing?
What is in between the bathroom doorway and classroom?
If there is an emergency that requires taking a child to the hospital where do you find that info?
What is in the child's file under emergency medical care info?
Where do we evacuate in case of a nuclear emergency?
What is Chesterbrook in Denver, NC?
When should an incident report be filled out and when should you notify parents on tadpoles?
What is every single time their is an incident?
How often does your NC background check need to be renewed?
What is 3 or 5 years (new extention)
How often are you supposed to do name to face on tadpoles?
What is every 15 minutes?
Where is the emergency medical care plan located?
What is in ever classroom by the door?
Where do we evacuate in case of an emergency in the area/neighborhood?
What is Chesterbrook in Mallard Creek?
Where does a child's inhaler need to be kept?
What is the classroom out of their reach?
How often does CPR need to be done?
What is Every 2 years?
If a new staff has a provisional NC Background Check, what are the limitations in the classroom?
What is cannot be left alone?