School doors open at this time.
When is 7:40 a.m.?
True or false: You are dismissed from your classroom to go home.
False. You must walk downstairs with your class.
You don't go to this area except on Wednesdays with Mrs. Bex.
What is the library loft?
Your voice in the bathroom should be this.
What is off (or silent or 0)?
Always bring this to lunch if you buy ANYTHING.
What is your lanyard?
*Reminder: without a lanyard, you go to the back of the line.
At 7:55, we start our day with prayer and these three specific vows.
What are the Pledge of Allegiance, the Pledge to the Christian flag, and the Pledge to the Bible?
If you have a sibling in junior high, you will wait here with them to be called.
What is the auditorium?
Walk on this side of the hallway quietly.
What is the right?
Used paper towels go here.
What is the trash can?
These are included in your hot lunch price.
What is a main dish and two sides?
*Drinks, chips, desserts, extra pizza slices are charged a la carte.
These two items should follow you to every class (both with a case.)
What is your Case-It and your Chromebook?
You will wait here for ExCare.
What is hallway by room 130?
This must be in its case at all times when not in use.
What is your Chromebook? (It must be in a case in your locker, going from class to class, etc.)
You should use the restroom at this time.
What is between classes? You should go to your next class first to alert your teacher and drop off your Case-it and Chromebook.
You may move around during lunch (true/false).
False. Find a seat and stay there. No saving seats, welcome others!
This stays in your locker.
What is your water bottle? (other acceptable answers: What are backpacks, what are phones, what are PE shoes, etc.)
You should be doing this in the administration hallway during carline.
What is sitting quietly and waiting for your name to be called?
*Reminder: no phones/food/drink!
You must hold onto the rail and step on every step here. No running!
What are the stairs?
Intermediate students use the restroom on this floor.
What is upstairs? (or What is second?) Exception would be if you were on the first floor for co-curriculars or lunch.
You hang lanyards, lunch boxes, and sweaters here at recess.
What is on the fence?
You need these 7 items in your Case-it to be ready for each class?
What are your notebooks, folders, pencils, a pen, colored pencils, scissors, and glue sticks? (any acceptable combination of seven items is correct.)
You need to do this when your name is called.
What is stand behind the cone and wait until your car is completely STOPPED?
Do not touch or move this from the outside of the lockers.
What are name tags?
Name 2 behaviors not allowed in the restroom.
What are using phones, throwing paper towels/TP, wasting time? (any combination of infractions are acceptable answers)
You should avoid picking these up during recess.
What is rocks and sticks (or anything that is not recess equipment?)