Reading and Writing
Trade Terms

What of the following is banned in some workplaces because it can cause wasted time, accidents, and the theft of intellectual property.

a. Tablets

b. Smart Watches

c. Hearing aids

d. Cellphones

D. Cellphones


If a speech or conversation is technical, including lots of data such as numbers, the listener should _______.

A. Take Notes

B. Ask others to explain what was said.

C. Double check to see if the information is true

D. Ask the speaker to repeat the information

A. Take Notes


A(n) ________ includes the definition of terms used in a book.                                                              

A. Active listening     

B. Glossary

C. Table of Contents   

D. Punch list      Table

A. Glossary


As you gain experience, you will learn more of the special _______ that you can use to communicate with other workers in your trade.                                

A. Body Language    

B.  Jargon   

C. Slang 

D. Codes

B. Jargon


If you are in the middle of a task and you receive a personal phone call, ____________. 

a. put the caller on hold until you complete the task.

b. continue working and do not answer.

c. tell the caller you don't have time to talk.

d. had the phone to a co-worker.

B. Continue working and do not answer


What makes someone an effective speaker?

A. Making Complex things sound simple.

B. Their body language.

C. The words they use.

D. A & B

E. All of the above

E. All of the above


A great way to show that you are listening to a speaker is with your______.

A. Eye contact

B. Posture

C. Facial expressions

D. All of the above

D. All of the above = Body Language


When reading instructions or a series of steps you should?

A. Skim the instructions quickly and get to work.

B. Perform the steps even if you don't understand them.

C. Read the instructions completely before you begin. 

D. Read some of the directions and figure it out as you go. 

C. Read the instructions completely before you begin.


A legal document that allows a task, such as constructing a building, to be undertaken is called a(n) ___________.                                                    

A. Graph                     

B. Memo       

C. Permit                              

D. Punch list    

C. Permit


No matter what you are doing, other people can get clues about your attitude and character from your _________.                                                      

A. Body Language   

B.  Resume

C. Career Coach               

D. Words

A. Body Language


When is the best place and time to give assembly instructions to the team?

a. In a quiet place when they are fresh and not too tired.

b. In the lunchroom while they are eating.

c. In the work area right at the end of their shift before they go home.

d. In the break room while people are getting snacks and watching tv. 

A. In a quiet place when they are fresh and not too tired


Real listening is not just hearing what is said but also_____ what is being said.

A. Agreeing with

B. Visualizing

C. Understanding

D. Thinking about

C. Understanding


What's a good practice when writing to avoid errors that can cost time and money?

A. Write at a high reading level (use big words)

B. Use AI

C. Handwrite before using a computer.

D. Plagiarize (Use someone else's work)

C. Handwrite before using a computer.


An alphabetical listing of topics in a book can be found in the ________.

A. Index

B. Font

C. Glossary

D. Appendix

C. Glossary


When you are looking for a specific installation procedure in a manual, the best way to find the information is to __________.

a. identify the correct section and go straight there

b. start reading the book from the beginning

c. study the terms in the glossary

d. skim the book and take notes on ALL important information

A. identify the correct section and go straight there"?


Noise is best defined as________.

A. People interrupting someone who is thinking.

B. Thoughts that distract the listener.

C. Anything that interferes with the message being heard or understood.

D. Discussing things that are off topic.

C. Anything that interferes with the message being heard or understood.


Repeating what you heard in your own words is the act of _______.

A. Active listening

B. Paying attention to the speaker

C. Paraphrasing

D. Zoning Out

C. Paraphrasing


Common Documents that construction professionals need to read on the job include:

A. Contracts, Warrants, and Encyclopedias

B. Legal briefs, Permits, and Subpoenas

C. Code books, Construction drawings, and installation manuals

D. Literary reviews, Argumentation papers, and essays 

C. Code books, Construction drawings, and installation manuals


The owner of a project can change the expected completion date by writing a _______.

A. Punch List

B. Memo

C. Change order

D. Index

C. Charge order


Providing feedback is an essential part of the _________ process.

A. Hiring

B. Active listening

C. Application

D. Terminating

B. Active listening


Which is NOT a communication Skill?

A. Writing

B. Gesturing

C. Listening

D. Reading

E. Speaking

B. Gesturing


Which of these IS a barrier to Active Listening?

A. Boredom

B. Your Ego

C. Distractions

D. Emotions

E. All of the above

F. None of the above

E. All of the above


After you finish writing a rough draft, you should ________. 

A. ask a colleague to proofread it for you

B. do some research

C. check for spelling and grammar errors

D. Have a rest and then review and revise

D. Have a rest and then review and revise


A written list of deficiencies (errors) that must be corrected before the project is completed is referred to as a _____.

A. Memo

B. Change Order

C. Email

D. Punch List

D. Punch List


When someone has poor reading skills, they might typically ___________.

A. rewrite the material themselves

B. avoid reading technical information

C. have another worker read to them

D. file for disability

B. avoid reading technical information