Who went to the #1 HBCU?
Finish the lyric:
I pull up at the club
VIP, gas tank on E but all drinks on me. Wipe me down.
What is name of the Black icon that got her humble beginnings at TSU and became the first self made black female billionaire?
Oprah Winfrey
Who the first black self made female millionaire?
Madame CJ Walker
Who became the first Black president of the United States?
Barack Obama
Which NCCS staff members sang with Kirk Franklin? Hint: It is two.
Nia Coleman and De'Onte Bishop
Finish the lyric:
not like us
Which Black icon was a guest star on "New Girl"?
Who was the first black female pilot?
Bessie Coleman
What movie features the famous line “Bye, Felicia”?
Which NCCS member was a Dancing Doll at their HBCU?
Jennifer Grey
Finish the lyric:
it's close to midnight
and something evils lurking from the darkkkkk
Which Black icon has the best selling album of all time?
Michael Jackson
Who was the first African American justice appointed to the United States Supreme Court?
Thurgood Marshall
Who wrote The Autobiography of Malcolm X?
Alex Haley
Which NCCS was the "Miss" of her University?
Coach Parker
Which musical group won an Oscar for "Best Song"?
Three 6 Mafia
Which Black icon was the first female presidential candidate?
Shirley Chisholm
Who was the first African American to win a Grammy Award?
Ella Fitzgerald
Who was the first Black contestant to win Miss America?
Which NCCS staff member's grandfather met Martin Luther King Jr.?
BriAngela Weston
Which 4 Black women have won AOTY at the Grammys?
Which Black icon is known as "The Godmother of the Civil Rights Movement"?
Dorothy Height
What was the name of the first Historically Black College and University (HBCU) in the United States?
Cheyney University of Pennsylvania
What is name of the school got bomb after admitting their black student? Bonus: Name the group of students
Hattie Cotton