What structure in the throat is commonly called the Adam's apple?

A. Arytenoid cartilage.

B. Coniculate cartilage.

C. Cricoid cartilage.

D. Thyroid cartilage.

D. Thyroid cartilage.


5. Choose the diagnosis that would rank second in order of importance.

A. Anxiety.

B. Spiritual distress.

C. Body image.

D. Ineffective airway clearance.

A. Anxiety.


6. You have a patient who has been diagnosed with gallstones. The physician is going to use a method for this patient that breaks up the gallstones. This method is which of the following?

A. lithotripsy

B. laparoscopic microsurgery

C. abdominal laparotomy

D. Peritoneo-venous shunt

A. lithotripsy


A family that consists of a father, mother, two children, and a grandparent is known as which of the following?

A. Nuclear

B. Traditional

C. Extended

D. Blended 








3.  A family that consists of a father, mother, two children, and a grandparent is known as which of the following?

A. Nuclear family

B. Extended family

C. Traditional family

D. Blended family.

C. Extended family


Healthcare facilities (hospitals) in the Unites States are typically accredited by which of the following non-profit organizations?







 _________ organisms would be below the skin in the hair follicles and sebaceous and sweat 

A. Transient

B. Resident

C. Non-residential

D. In-direct

B. Resident


The most frequent life-threatening postoperative complication would be considered _______ complications?

A. Pain

B. Bleeding

C. Hypothermia

D. Respiratory

D. Respiratory


During induction of general anesthesia, suction may be performed due to vomiting and regurgitation. Also, pressure may be applied to using the Sellick maneuver. What anatomical structure does the nurse apply pressure to when performing the Sellick maneuver?

A. Cricoid cartilage.

B. Tongue.

D. Sternum.

E. Hyoid.

A. Cricoid cartilage.


The actual information that should be included on a patient specimen prior to it being processed to the lab is of the utmost importance. Of the following, which should be included on the actual label?

check all answers that apply

A. Date and time the specimen was obtained

B. The specimen type

C. The patient's name

D. The cost of processing the specimen

The coding for processing the specimen

A. Date and time the specimen was obtained

B. The specimen type

C. The patient's name


When establishing a plan of care, it is important to establish what with the patient?

A. Attainable goals.

B. Rules regarding medicine.

C. Firm follow up dates.

D. An exercise plan.

A. Attainable goals.


Which of the following structures make up the brain stem?

A. Cerebrum

B. Basal ganglia

C. Cerebral peduncles, nerve tracts, and nuclei

D. Medulla oblongata and pons.

D. Medulla oblongata and pons.


An indentation that is 2mm deep and rebounds immediately is an example of which grade of pitting edema?

A. Grade 1

B. Grade 2

C. Grade 3

D. Grade 4

A. Grade 1


A radical nephrectomy is performed for

A. Renal cancer

B. Injuries to one pole of the kidney

C. Obstructive uropathy

D. Severe infection

A. Renal cancer


What are common areas for pressure ulcers to form?

A. Ankles, wrists.

B. Heels, elbows.

C. Thighs, calves.

D. Forearms, hands.

B. Heels, elbows


13. Which of the following would most adversely affect a patient’s right to self-determination?

A. age

B. competence

C. health

D. level of education

B. competence


According to the Dermatome Sensory Somatic Landmarks, the nipple line would be considered which vertebra level?

A. C2

B. T1

C. S1

D. T4

D. T4



Bradypnea is characterized by breathing less than:

A. 15 breaths/minute.

B. 10 breaths/minute.

C. 20 breaths/minutes/

D. 25 breaths/minute.

B. 10 breaths/minute.


Ophthalmic surgery requires a significant amount of specialized equipment and instruments. Specific equipment for the ophthalmic operating suite would include what?

A. Fracture table.

B. Nerve stimulators.

C. Arthroscope.

D. Phacoemulsification unit.

D. Phacoemulsification unit.


Which intervention addresses continuity of care for a patient with disturbed body image?

A. Assist the patient in identifying realistic changes.

B. Teach the patient adaptive behavior.

D. Exhibit positive and caring attitude in nursing care.

E. Acknowledge that the patient's emotions are normal.

B. Teach the patient adaptive behavior.


Unintended wrongs that result when someone fails to follow the standards of care are known as which of the following?

A. Intentional torts.

B. Unintentional torts.

C. Criminal torts.

D. Negligent torts.

B. Unintentional torts.

The auditory receives soundwaves from a shell-like structure called

A. Semicircular canal

B. Cornea

C. Stapes

D. Cochlea

D. Cochlea


Kay's patient has been presented with several bruises and tiny red spots on certain areas of the body. The patient says she has not been injured and is unsure where the bruising is coming from. What does Kay suspect could be wrong with the patient?

A. The patient is clumsy.

B. A decrease in blood platelets.

C. The patient may be becoming forgetful.

D. An increase in potassium.

B. A decrease in blood platelets.


What function does local anesthetic perform

A. Interfere with nerve impulses from the spinal cord.

B. Affect proprioceptors in muscle tissue.

C. Block conduction of nerve (pain) impulses to the spinal cord.

D. Block with baroceptors in muscle tissue.

C. Block conduction of nerve (pain) impulses to the spinal cord.


A theory of family which states that the family is a system which attempts to maintain balance while exchanging information, energy, and resources with the environment is known as which of the following

A. Systems theory.

B. Exchange theory.

C. Communication theory.

D. Boundaries theory.

A. Systems theory.


Of the following, which might not be considered a risk factor for alterations of consciousness in the surgical patient?

A. Advanced age

B. Sleep-deprivation

C. Depression

D. Electrolytes balanced

D. Electrolytes balanced