Human Growth & Dev
Counseling & Helping Relations
Group Counseling
Career Dev
Stats (R&P Eval)

(3) The only psychoanalyst who created a developmental theory which encompasses the entire life span was 

a. Erik Erikson.

b. Milton H. Erickson. 

c. A. A. Brill. 

d. Jean Piaget, who created the four stage theory.

a. Erik Erikson.


(209) A therapist who says to a patient “Say whatever comes to mind” is practicing 

a. directive counseling. 

b. transactional analysis. 

c. paraphrasing. 

d. free association.

d. free association.


(415) One advantage of group work is that a counselor can see more clients in a given period of time. One disadvantage is that a counselor can be too focused on group processes and 

a. individual issues are not properly examined.

b. the group becomes too behavioristic. 

c. a and b.

d. the group focuses too much on content.

a. individual issues are not properly examined.


(514) In 1909 a landmark book entitled Choosing a Vocation was released. The book was written by Frank Parsons. Parsons has been called 

a. the father of lifestyle. 

b. the father of modern counseling. 

c. the father of vocational guidance.

d. the fourth force in counseling.

c. the father of vocational guidance.


(701) The most valuable type of research is 

a. always conducted using a factor analysis. 

b. conducted using the chi-square. 

c. the experiment, used to discover cause-and-effect relationships.

d. the quasi-experiment.

c. the experiment, used to discover cause-and-effect relationships.


(5) Jean Piaget’s idiographic approach created his theory with four stages. The correct order from stage 1 to stage 4 is 

a. formal operations, concrete operations, preoperations, sensorimotor. 

b. formal operations, preoperations, concrete operations, sensorimotor. 

c. sensorimotor, preoperations, concrete operations, formal operations.

d. concrete operations, sensorimotor, preoperations, formal operations.

c. sensorimotor, preoperations, concrete operations, formal operations.


(208) If you think of the mind as a seesaw, then the fulcrum or balancing apparatus would be the 

a. id, which has no concept of rationality or time. 

b. ego.

c. superego, which judges behavior as right or wrong. 


b. ego.


(406) Primary groups are 

a. preventive and attempt to ward off problems.

b. always follow a person-centered paradigm. 

c. generally utilized for long-term psychotherapy. 

d. always focused on the client’s childhood.

a. preventive and attempt to ward off problems.


(508) When professional career counselors use the term leisure they technically mean 

a. the client is having fun at work or away from work. b. the client is relaxing at work or away from work. 

c. the client is working at less than 100% capacity at work or away from work. 

d. the time the client has away from work which is not being utilized for obligations.

d. the time the client has away from work which is not being utilized for obligations.


(708) A professor of counselor education hypothesized that biofeedback training could reduce anxiety and improve the average score on written board exams. If this professor decides to conduct a formal experiment the IV will be the ________, and the DV will be the ________. 

a. professor; anxiety level 

b. anxiety level; board exam score 

c. biofeedback; board exam score 

d. board exam score; biofeedback

c. biofeedback; board exam score


(39) In terms of parenting young children 

a. boys are punished more than girls. 

b. girls are punished more than boys. 

c. boys and girls are treated in a similar fashion. 

d. boys show more empathy toward others.

a. boys are punished more than girls.


(203) In transactional analysis (TA), the ________ is the conscience, or ego state concerned with moral behavior, while in Freudian theory it is the ________. 

a. Adult, unconscious 

b. Parent, ego 

c. Parent, superego

d. Parent, id

c. Parent, superego


(427) One major disadvantage of a closed group versus an open group is that 

a. if everyone quits, you will be left with no group members. 

b. closed groups cannot provide depth therapy. 

c. it promotes paranoid feelings in group members. 

d. closed groups are much more structured.

a. if everyone quits, you will be left with no group members.


(507) Statistics reveal that 

a. on average, a worker with a bachelor’s degree earns over $10,000 a year more than a worker with a high school diploma. 

b. fewer workers possess a high school diploma than ever before. 

c. blue-collar jobs are growing faster than white-collar jobs. 

d. older workers are slower than younger workers and have fewer skills.

a. on average, a worker with a bachelor’s degree earns over $10,000 a year more than a worker with a high school diploma.


(716) When you see the letter P in relation to a test of significance it means 

a. portion. 

b. population parameter. 

c. probability.

d. the researcher is using an ethnographic qualitative approach.

c. probability.


(10) ________ expanded on Piaget’s conceptualization of moral development. 

a. Erik Erikson 

b. Lev Vygotsky 

c. Lawrence Kohlberg

d. John B. Watson

c. Lawrence Kohlberg


(211) All of these theorists could be associated with the analytic movement except: 

a. Freud. 

b. Jung. 

c. Adler. 

d. Wolpe.

d. Wolpe.


(401) Prior to the 1960s most counseling took place 

a. in a group setting.

b. with the entire family present. 

c. in a dyadic relationship. 

d. in behavior therapy clinics.

c. in a dyadic relationship.


(518) Anne Roe suggested a personality approach to career choice 

a. based on cognitive-behavioral therapy. 

b. based on a model of strict operant conditioning. 

c. based on the premise that a job satisfies an unconscious need.

d. based on the work of Pavlov.

c. based on the premise that a job satisfies an unconscious need.


(705) Nondirective is to person-centered as 

a. psychological testing is to counseling. 

b. confounding is to experimenting. 

c. appraisal is to research.

d. parsimony is to Occam’s Razor.

d. parsimony is to Occam’s Razor.


(14) The Heinz dilemma is to Kohlberg’s theory as 

a. a brick is to a house. 

b. Freud is to Jung. 

c. the Menninger Clinic is to biofeedback.

d. a typing test is to the level of typing skill mastered.

d. a typing test is to the level of typing skill mastered.


(214) Which case is not associated with the psychodynamic movement?

a. Little Hans. 

b. Little Albert. 

c. Anna O. 

d. Daniel Paul Schreber.

b. Little Albert.


(433) Which statement made by a doctoral-level counselor is illustrative of a leader focused on process rather than product?

a. “Jim seems more relaxed today.”

b. “Sally seems a bit self-critical this evening.” 

c. “I hear a lot of sadness in Betty’s voice.” 

d. “You wince whenever Jane raises her voice.”

d. “You wince whenever Jane raises her voice.”


(524) Some support for Roe’s theory comes from 

a. the BDI. 

b. the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV). 

c. the Rorschach and the TAT.

d. the gestalt therapy movement.

Rosenthal, Howard. Encyclopedia of Counseling (pp. 329-330). Taylor and Francis. Kindle Edition. 

c. the Rorschach and the TAT.


(715) From a purely statistical standpoint, in order to compare a control group (which does not receive the IV or experimental manipulation) to the experimental group the researcher will need 

a. a correlation coefficient 

b. only descriptive statistics. 

c. percentile rank. 

d. a test of significance.

d. a test of significance.