NCE 10

 Who believed his technique of counterconditioning was based on  Pavlov and relied on relaxation and imagining feared stimuli?

Joseph Wolpe


 The term/ therapy used where the client imagines scary or feared stimuli in the safety of the counselor’s office.

implosive therapy


What does ABCDE stand for in Albert Ellis’s Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)?

A is an activating event.

 B is the client’s belief system.

 C is the emotional consequence. 

At D the counselor disputes the

irrational belief at B. 

E is a new emotional consequence that occurs when B becomes



The counselor accepts the client regardless of his or her behavior. This does not imply that you necessarily agree with the client. What is the term that Carl Rogers would use for this?

unconditional positive regard.


Who is known for the ABC or ABCDE model of personality?

Albert Ellis’s Active-Directive Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)


Who emphasized that the client has automatic thoughts which are distortions of reality such as polarized black or white thinking, overgeneralizing based on a single event, personalization—wrongly attributing an event to yourself and drawing conclusions without real evidence?

Aaron T. Beck


 This approach focuses on the here and now in an attempt to help the client become whole again?

Gestalt Therapy


According to Carl Roger's  what are the three conditions for effective helping that must come from the therapist?

The therapist must show empathy; be genuine/congruent; and display unconditional positive regard (UPR).


Ego states are the Parent, Adult, and Child (PAC). These states roughly correspond to Freud’s superego, ego, and id. What theorist and theory does this belong to?

Eric Berne’s Transactional Analysis (TA)


 The person unconsciously develops a life plan at an early age called a ? (Berne)

life script


Clients are taught that they create their own personal reality with the behaviors they choose. Who said “Behavior is the control of our perceptions” and that a success identity is the result of being loved and accepted?

William Glasser’s New Reality Therapy with Choice Theory


 Who developed eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy (EMDR) which can be effective for ameliorating conditions caused by trauma or  disturbing events without the eye movement, once again indicating that extinction is likely the curative factor.

Dr. Francine Shapiro


Narrative Therapy was created by whom?

Michael White and David Epston 


Solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT)... Who are the two main theorist?

Steve de Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg


This family therapist uses the psychoanalytic or psychodynamic approach?

Nathan Ackerman


This family theorist could be very wild, radical, and creative, and often utilized a co-therapist.

Experimentalist Carl Whitaker


 This therapy postulates that individuals construct their lives by stories they tell about themselves and stories others create about them. Stories create meaning and this becomes the client’s identity.

Narrative therapy


 Who popularized the notion that in times of stress, family members use four inept patterns of communication?

The placator (who tries to please everybody in the family); the blamer; the reasonable analyzer (who intellectualizes); and the irrelevant distracter (who interrupts and changes the topic to something irrelevant).

Virginia Satir


 Who is the leading name behind structural family therapy? The technique of joining or blending in with the family is used.

Salvador Minuchin


 Who are the powerful names in strategic family counseling?

Jay Haley and Cloe Madanes


 Which theory speaks of first-order change, which is superficial, and second-order change, which includes actual changes in the rules and structure of the organization.

Solution-focused brief therapy


 This model uses a treatment team with a one-way mirror.

The Milan Model


This therapy proposes that changes in the family system, subsystems, and family organization must take place in order for individual family members to resolve their systems. Structural therapy is directive and performed in the here and now.

structural family therapy


The client is also asked the miracle question: “If a miracle took place while you were sleeping, how would you know the problem was solved? How would things be different?” What therapy is being provided here?

Solution-focused brief therapy


He is the  key name in intergenerational therapy. His approach is often referred to as extended family systems therapy?

Murray Bowen