Getting To Know Your New School
Different Than NCH
What are the required, general education classes you will need to take?
English, Math, Science, Social Studies
Where do you go if you are not feeling well?
Nurse's office --> It is good to know where this is at your new school.
What questions do you have about school lunches?
How many choices are there? Is there a microwave for use? Are there vending machines? Will I need to bring cash for anything? Who do I sit with?
Will there be recess at your new school?
Who is an adult at school you can turn to for help and support?
Guidance counselor, teacher, administrator
What is an elective class? What are some examples?
An elective class is a class you may choose to take in your new school. Some elective class examples are: Chorus, Band, Drama, Fine Art, ROTC (if it is offered), foreign language
If you see another student being bullied at school, what do you do?
Tell an adult in the building like the principal or assistant principal.
What is a place you can store your items you don't want to carry around the school?
Locker --> most students will have a locker assigned to them. Do you know if there is a combination? How to use it?
Will your new school start earlier or later than NCH in the morning?
Your new school will start earlier in the morning.
If you are struggling in a class, who should you ask for help?
The teacher of the class --> know when they are available after school for help.
What is a GPA?
GPA stands for Grade Point Average. This is the overall, average grade you have during high school. Your GPA helps you know how well you are doing in school and what types of schools you may be able to attend after high school.
What do you do if you see someone being bullied online or social media?
Tell a parent/guardian. Tell an adult at your school- administrator, guidance counselor, or teacher.
How can you find out what clubs and sports are available? Are you interested in one of these?
They may be posted around the school. You can also check online or ask your guidance counselor.
How do you find out what the dress code is at your new school?
You can find out what this is in a school handbook, on the school's website, or asking an administrator or teacher.
Who are the other people in your new school who may also be nervous?
Other students who are new to the school may be feeling nervous and excited about being in this school too. Other students are great resources for support.
What is a subject teacher? Will you have the same teacher for each subject?
Subject teachers teach only one area of academics, such as english or math. You will most likely have a different teacher for each subject class.
How do you stay safe if there is an emergency at school?
You should know the procedure for fire drills, lock down drills, and what evacuation routes there are. You should also know the closest exit to your classrooms. Adults in your school should go over this with you in the beginning of the year.
How do you know the fire drill evacuation routes in your new school?
All evacuation routes should be posted in every classroom near the door. If you are not sure you can ask an administrator or your classroom teacher.
Where do buses pull up at the end of the school day? What happens if you miss your bus?
If you're concerned about someone with a substance abuse issue who could you go to?
School Resource Officer, guidance counselor, school social worker, drug and alcohol counselor (if your school has one)