A client has an order to receive enoxaparin (Lovenox). The nurse administers this medication by which route?
What is subcutaneously. Lovenox is an anticoagulant.
What does A-P-G-A-R stand for?
What is activity, pulse, grimmace, appearance, and respiration
The nurse notes that a client's intravenous (IV) site is cool, pale, and swollen, and the solution is not infusing. The nurse interprets that which complication has been experienced by the client?
What is infiltration.
How many weeks indicate term?
What is between 37-42 weeks
What word defines a person who refuses to eat and relentless self-induced persuit of thinness?
What is anorexia
The client has received a dose of dimenhydrinate (Dramamine). The nurse assesses for the effectiveness of the medication by asking the client about relief of what?
What is nausea and vomiting. Dimenhydrinate is used to treat motion sickness and the symptoms that accompany it such as dizziness, vertigo, nausea, and vomiting.
A nurse is monitoring a postpartum client following a vaginal delivery and notes that the client has a constant trickle of lochia. The priority nursing action is to:
What is contact the physician. A constant trickle of lochia indicates excessive bleeding and requires immediate attention.
Which sided heart failure results in pulmonary congestion due to the inability of the left ventricle to pump blood to the periphery?
What is left sided heart failure
The nurse finds an infant unresponsive, without respiration or a pulse. After opening the airway and initiating ventilation, the nurse plans to deliver chest compression at a rate of at least:
What is 100 per minute in an infant.
The involuntary exclusion of a painful thought from awareness...
What is repression
This medication is persecribed for a client for sympotmatic relief of pain resulting from a lower urinary tract infection (UTI). The nurse teaches the client that this medication could present some reddish orange discoloration of the urine
What is Phynazopyridine (Pyridium)
A nurse is performing an assessment of a client who is scheduled for a cesarean delivery. These are her assessment findings. The nurse is concerned about which of the following? ASSESSMENT: hemoglobin of 11.0 g/dL, fetal heart rate of 180 beats per minute, maternal pulse rate of 85 bpm, white blood cell count of 12,000 cells/uL.
What is a count of 180 beats per minute could indicate fetal distress and would warrant physician notification. A normal fetal heart rate is 120-160 beats per minute.
The nurse is caring for a client following a craniotomy who has a supratentorial incision. The nurse reviews the client's plan of care, expecting to note that the client should be maintained in which position?
What is semi-fowler's position. In supratentorial surgery (surgery above the brain's tentorium), the client's head is usually eleveated 30 degrees to promote venous outflow through the jugular veins.
A 10-year-old child with asthma is treated for acute exacerbation in the emergency department. What finding indicate that the condition is worsening?
What is decreased wheezing. In a child with asthma, this can be incorrectly interpreted as a positive sign when in fact it may be a signal of an inability to move air.
What are the three phases of group therapy?
What is initial/orientation, middle/working phase, termination
The physician prescribes meperidine hydrocholoride (Demerol), 40mg intramuscular stat, for a postoperative client in pain. The medication label states meperidine hydrochloride (Demerol), 50mg per 1 mL. How many milliliters will the nurse safely prepare to administer to the client?
What is 0.8mL. __(40)__x mL=mL per dose (available) _(50)___ x 1mL = 0.8mL
At twenty weeks, what is the estimated fundal height (per the mother's body)?
What is at the umbilicus.
The therapeutic serum phenytoin (Dilantin) level for a client with a history of a seizure disorder is what?
What is the therapeutic range for serum phenytoin level is 10 to 20. 15 is the correct answer. If the level is below the therapeutic range, the client could experience seizure activity. If the level is too high, the client is at risk for phenytoi toxicity.
Name the three C's of tracheal-esophageal fistula
What is choking, coughing, cyanosis
A client is diagnosed with acute blindness. Many tests are performed, and there seems to be no organic reason why this client cannot see. A nurse later learns that the client became blind after witnessing a car accident in which a family of three was killed. What disorder is the client experiencing?
What is a conversion disorder
The nurse is speaking with a client taking phenytoin (Dilantin) for seizure control. The client states that she has started using birth control pills to prevent pregnancy. The nurse becomes concerned, knowing that this combination of medications could have what effect?
What is phnytoin enhances the rate of estrogen metabolism, which can decrease the effectiveness of some birth control pills. the nurse should tell the client to alert the health care provider, so that couseling may be done about alternative birth control methods.
Methylergonovine (Methergine) is prescribed for a client with postpartum hemorrhage. Before administering the medication, a nurse contacts the health care provider who prescribed the medication if what condition is documented in the client's medical history?
What is peripheral vascular disease. Methylergonovine is an ergot alkaloid used for postpartum hemorrhage which are avoided in clients with significant disease, peripheral disease, hypertension, eclampsia, or preeclampsia.
A client reveiving tacrolimus (Prograf) to prevent organ rejection should anticipate which medication to be prescribed?
What is Prednisone (Deltasone)
The nurse notes that the results of a Mantoux test for a 2-year-old child indicates an area of induration measuring 5 mm. The nurse interprets this result as:
What is positive result. Induration measuring 10 mm or greater is considered to be a positive result in children younger than 4 years of age and in those with chronic illness or high risk for environmental exposure to tuberculosis.
Pharmacological therapy is prescribed for a client with Tourette syndrome. What medication will be prescribed?
What is Haloperidol (hadol)