Where can one find the Electrocardiogram: 12 Lead Skill?
Clinical Skills
What is one of the main reasons to perform a bladder scan?
urinary retention
What color are the Zoll AED's here in the VA?
Lime green/ yellow green
True or False- Hand hygiene is optional
What is the best response to address when to replace peripheral IV's here at MAD VA?
when clinically indicated
What landmark for precordial (chest) lead placement should one find first?
Sternal angle (Angle of Louis)- identifies the 2nd rib: where the clavicle joins sternum (sternal notch)-
What position should you place a patient to perform a bladder scan?
reclining or supine
What does a red X mean on the outside of the AED?
Battery is dead!
When should you not use alcohol-based products for hand hygiene?
If hands are visibly soiled or exposed to bodily fluids or spore producing pathogens.
When selecting a potential IV site on an older adult patient, the nurse should consider what information?
avoid the back of an older adult's hand or the dominant arm for venipuncture as it interfers with the older adults independence.
What color leads and what upper extremity would you place those leads?
White right: Black left side
If the bladder image is off-center, what steps should you take?
repeat the scan and ensure the probe is in the center of the crosshairs.
What pattern are the pads inside the AED for placement?
Z pattern.
When caring for a veteran with C.difficile, what is the recommended hand hygiene method?
Soap and Water
What does ONC stand for?
Over the needle catheter with a safety device.
Where would you place the V2 lead?
at the 4th intercostal space- left sternal border
What is the next step after the measured volume has been obtained/
Document time and amount of urine present in bladder.
Once the pads are placed, what is your next step?
Don't touch patient! AED is analyzing if a shock is needed
What is the amount of time with an instant alcohol-based waterless antiseptic rub from start to dry?
20 to 3o seconds
Which gauge(s) of IV catheter is suitable for most infusion therapies?
20-G to 24-G
a 12-lead ECG may be ordered to assess for what type of condition(s)?
Myocardial ischemia/ injury, infarct: and aid in arrhythmia diagnosis
Where is the placement of the probe?
place the probe on the gel above the symphysis pubis to avoid scanning through the pubic bone.
After the AED delivers a shock, what steps should you take next?
Start CPR, follow prompts
What is amount of time to apply friction when performing hand washing with plain or antimicrobial soap?
friction for at least 20 seconds. Ensure all surfaces are scrubbed including backs of hands, under nails and between fingers.
According to Madison VA policy in clinical skills, what is the number of peripheral IV attempts an RN may attempt?
Two- if unsuccessful, another RN may attempt access Once! Then contact the VAT (ICU or ED RN if off tour)