What are our speeds we sell in order?
What are 500,1G,2G,5G
This is the name of the box that comes with dtv
What is the gemini box
this is the name of the router for the 500/500
What is Eero 6+
this is the cost of 1 gig, whw, and youtubetv (without tax)
what is $138.33
This is the cost of Spanish yttv, and what it goes up to after one year
What is $34.99 to $44.99
These are all the vas attachments we have available
What is eero secure, my premium tech pro, whole home wifi, identity protection, total shield, YouTube tv + yttv Spanish.
This is the name of the remote that comes with dtv
What is the google voice remote
this is the name of the router for the 1000/1000
EERO pro 6
this is the cost of the choice package and what it includes (exact answer)
$115 and includes balley sports
This is the type of storage for the dvr
What is cloud storage?
This is how much a UDV costs with and without wifi
What is $25 with wifi and $50 without wifi
This is all the gemini products that come with satellite
What is the gemini tower, mini gemini, and full gemini
this is the name of the router for the 2000/2000
EERO pro6E
This is the cost of a 2 gig, udv, and dtv entertainment
(exact numbers)
What is $205
These are the 3 tabs for the YouTube tv app
what are favorites, live, and library
This speed comes with a gift card after how many days and price of etf?
What is the 2G, 90 days/3 months, $200 gift card ($200 etf)
This is the name of the technology when the satellite switches to the gemini box
What is rain fade?
this is the name of the router for the 5000/5000
EERO max 7
What's the cost of 1 gig, every vas, udv, and dtv entertainment with hbo
What is $230.34
This is how YouTube tv gives the local channels to its customers
What is by zipcode
These are the steps for frontier installation
What is team 1 brings the wire from the hub to the home, second team plugs in the fiber into the home and sets up the router, and the third team buries the wire
These are the channels that are featured on ultimate tier of dtv
what is everything except hbo, showtime, Cinemax, mgmt
This is the square footage, bandwidth, hardwire ports of the eero max 7
2500 sqft, tri-band, and quadports
This is the cost of a 5 gig with 2 udvs, whw and premium dtv
(can use calculator)
what is $335
This is the price of entertainment plus
What is $29.99