What food groups should we suggest that contain antioxidants?
What are fruits & vegetables
A concept that or set of ideas whose purpose is to attempt to explain or give logic.
What is a theory?
The term for UAP stands for?
What is unlicensed assistive personnel.
A specialty that identifies issues influencing older adult nursing education and research and encompasses issues beyond clinical practice having it’s own certification with the ANA.
What is Gerontologic Nursing.
Health protection and disease prevention is known as what?
What is health promotion.
What model states change as the center of human existence.
What is Roy’s Adaptation Model.
Total percent of the population in the USA predicted to be over the age of 65?
What is 20%.
What care setting(s) is associated with Comfort Theory.
What is palliative, med-surg, and hospice.
Patient's in what stage of development are seeking validation of their life.
What is Moral Spiritual Development.
This helps to make sense of any particular phenomenon.
What is the purpose of a theory.
Biologic, sociologic, and psychologic theories explain and explore this.
What is aging.
What role do Free Radicals play in Cross-linkage theory
What is connect with cell molecules and connective tissue.
This gland plays a meaningful role in the older adult's immune system to fight disease and infection (specifically the T-Cells).
What is the thymus gland.
List the personality traits are included in Jung’s Theory of Individualism.
What is ego, personal and collective unconsciousness.
Name the stage of Erikson’s development that centers on the older adult.
What is integrity vs Despair.
List Maslow’s Pyramid of Human needs (from the base to the top)
What are physiological needs: safety & security, love and belonging, self-esteem, and self-actualization?
Most older adults do not choose to _______ themselves from social process or society.
What is isolate.
This theory states free radicals are byproducts of fundamental metabolic activities within the body.
What is Mitochondrial Free Radical Theory.
Aging is influenced by these 5 factors.
What is biologic, physiologic, social, functional, and spiritual factors.
It is important for the nurse to acknowledge this dimension of a person and support the expression and growth
What is spiritual.