Two grades above the grade of the rated Soldier
What is the minimum rank requirement for Senior Rater?
don't use this to complete a bullet comment
What is a period?
When can the rater sign?
Covers the previous 365 days
fully supports the Army SHARP/EO programs to foster an environment free of harassment through dedicated training and by his own example
What is the Magic Bullet?
The Rater cannot comment on this
What is potential?
120 days for TPU, 90 days for AD
What is the minimum rating period for COR eval?
Soldier, Senior, Rater
What is the order to unsign for corrections?
the number of NCOER types
What is 7?
completed 12 college semester hours toward a(n) bachelor’s degree in Sciene in Physical Education and Health with a 3.4 GPA
What is Intellect?
required with Senior Rater is: SFC, MSG/1SG, WO1, CW2, 2LT or 1LT
What is a supplementary reviewer?
maximum two lines, preferably one line
What is the length of a bullet comment?
after the senior rater, but before the rated Soldier
What is the Supplementary Reviewer signature?
for a minimum 90 day period to provide rated Soldier a report on their current assignment for board review
What is Complete the Record?
was instrumental in the successful completion of range density week by instructing PMI on the M4/M16 range achieving an 85% qualifying rate
What is Leads?
Section III, block b is missing or incomplete
What is the duty MOSC?
Evaluation Reporting System Regulation
What is 623-3?
2 weeks before the end of the rating period
What is the earliest NCOER can be signed?
when a Rated Soldier or Rater PCS from an organization
What is a Change of Rater?
displayed a high level of physical fitness by consistently scoring 540+ on the ACFT with 80+ in each event
What is Presence?
The number one reason for returned NCOER
What is incorrect ACFT data?
What are characteristics of strong bullet comments?
may be authorized to submit to HQDA on behalf of the Senior Rater and remove signatures
What is a delegate?
created for PME training 14 days or more that does not result in 1059/completion
reviewed records and advised 5 NCOs on career progression and promotion potential leading to 4 NCO promotions
What is Develops?