Jewish Numbers
The number of cups at the seder
What is four?
This phrase describes a break during a sports game or when someone needs to pause an activity.
What is a timeout?
Beit Shemesh is mentioned in the Tanach when this holy object was returned by the Philistines.
What is the Aron Kodesh
This woman disguised herself as a man to study Torah in the 19th century and became a famous Jewish scholar.
Who is Sarah Schenirer?
This country is credited with inventing sushi, originally as a method of preserving fish in fermented rice.
What is Japan?
The number of stars in Yosef's dream
What is 11?
This term refers to working extra hours beyond a normal work schedule.
What is overtime?
The ancient city of Beit Shemesh was a border city of this biblical tribe.
What is the tribe of Dan?
This righteous convert from Moav became the great-grandmother of King David.
Who is Rut
This chocolate snack bar, invented in 1930 by Frank C. Mars, is famous for its combination of caramel, peanuts, and chocolate.
What is a Snickers bar?
The amount of souls that went down to Egypt with Yaakov
What is 70?
This phrase describes the process of traveling to the past or future, often seen in science fiction
What is time-travel?
This nearby cave system is famous for its bell-shaped caves and ancient quarries.
What are the Bell Caves of Beit Guvrin?
This medieval Jewish leader and physician served as the personal doctor to the Sultan of Egypt and wrote about his 13 Principles of Faith.
Who is the Rambam?
This country is the birthplace of jachnun and malawach, two flaky, layered breads traditionally eaten by Jews on Shabbat morning.
What is Yemen? (BOOOO!)
The number of adult men that left Egypt
What is 600,000?
This phrase means an important moment in history or a crucial turning point
What is "a moment in time"?
In Sefer Melachim, Beit Shemesh was a battleground between the Kings of Judah and Egypt, when this Judean king was killed.
Who is King Yoshiyahu/Josiah?
This Jewish general led the revolt against the Romans in 132 CE, establishing an independent Jewish state for a short time
Who is Shimon Bar Kochba?
Kubbeh, dumplings filled with meat and served in a red or yellow broth, was developed by Jewish communities from this Middle Eastern country.
What is Iraq?
The number of bulls brought as a korban on shmini atzeret
What is one?
Without these, our electric bills would skyrocket because our lights would be on all shabbat
What is a timer?
This large forest near Beit Shemesh is a popular hiking and picnic destination and is named after a famous biblical judge.
What is the Forest of Eshtaol?
This Jewish woman in Tanach was a judge and prophetess who led the Israelites to victory over the Canaanites.
Who is Devorah HaNeviah?
Gefilte fish, a dish of ground and poached fish, became popular among Jewish communities in this country, where freshwater fish like carp were common.
What is Poland?