Basic topics
Describe me
Therapeutic models
Need to know

What is the written plan governed by?

a) Standard principles

b) ATRA standards of the practice of TR

c) The will of the CTRS 

ATRA Standards of the practice of TR


Define the Catharis theory 

a) Play to reminisce lost memories 

b) Play to release repressed thoughts

c) Play to expel surplus energy 

Play to release repressed thoughts


What type of continuity is this description 

"Relates to the environment and roles occupied by a person"

a) External continuity

b) Internal continuity

External continuity


List four facilitation techniques

a) Bibliotherapy, Horitculture, Assertiveness training, Sensory training

b) Leisure ability model, continuum model, Maslow hierarchy of needs 

c) Learning, understanding, empathy, active listening 

Bibliotherapy, Horticulture therapy, Assertiveness training, Sensory training


What is the purpose of the written plan? 

a) Administrative goals and procedures 

b) Ensures high-quality care

c) All of the above

Ensures high-quality care. Administrative goals and procedures assist specialists in implementing high quality client services


Which area is least important to a CTRS who is attempting to deliver culturally relevant programming?

a) Group norms

b) Religion

c) Socioeconomic conditions

Socioeconomic conditions 


Define psycho-analytic theory

a) Engaging in play to reduce anxiety 

b) Play to release repressed thoughts

c) Engaging in play to release surplus energy

Engaging in play to reduce anxiety 


What type of continuity is described below

Refers to the person's personality, emotions, and experiences

a) External continuity

b) Internal continuity 

Internal continuity


Give me an example of that intervention that can be used for a client with Level 8 Rancho Los Amigos Scale results

a) Vision enhancers (ie. glasses) 

b) Mouth stick

c) To-do lists

To-do lists


What are the 8 roles of a rec therapist?









Controller, Director, Instigator, Stimulator, Educator, Advisor, Observer, Enabler. 


What kind of assistance does a client with level 7 Rancho Los Amigos scale results require?

a) Minimal Assistance for daily living

b) Total Assistance

c) No Assistance

Minimal Assistance for daily living


What is this the definition of:

"Prompt desired behaviors prevent undesired behaviors"

a) Shaping

b) Chaining

c) Antecedents 



Describe the Attribution Model 

a) Persons explanation of the conflict that presents in their lives 

b) Persons explanation of the cause of events that occur in their lives

c) Persons explanation of personality traits they present

Persons explanation of the cause of events that occur in their lives. 


This concept is a tool to cure > to use rec to meet other needs/goals

a) treatment concept

b) recreation therapy

c) leisure education 

Treatment concept


What level of functioning on the Rancho Los Amigos scale is described as consistently following simple directions

a) Level 6

b) Level 1 

c) Level 2 

Level 6


Where in the body is damaged causing MS & what are 3 symptoms?

a) Damage to the deep muscle; Weakness in limbs, Struggle to stand, Tremors

b) Damage to the frontal lobe; Speech, Cognition, Visual

c) Damage to the Myelin shealth; Tremors, weakness, vision/speech distrburances

Damage to the Myelin shealth

Tremors, weakness, vision and speech disturbances 


What is the definition of:

"Reinforces one step at a time adding steps in sequences"

a) Antecedents

b) Shaping

c) Chaining



Describe this affect:

Reduction in intensity of feeling of tone which is less severe than blunted affect but clearly reduced 

a) Broad affect

b) Flat affect 

c) Restricted affect 

Restricted affect


What behavior is diagnosed with those who abuse drugs in the continuum model?

a) Addiction & recovery

b) Non-problematic & severely problematic use

c) Use & abuse 

Non-problematic and severely problematic use 


What is the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation?

Intrinsic motivation ___ in behavior because _______

Extrinsic motivation is ____ behavior that ____ rewards or avoids _____

Intrinsic motivation engages in behavior because you like it. 

Extrinsic motivation is motivated behavior that earns reward or avoids punishment


When is the formative evaluation done?

a) After 

b) Before

c) Ongoing and during the program 

Ongoing and during the program 


What is this a definition of: 

"Reinforces successive approx. toward desired behaviors"

a) Shaping

b) Antecedents

c) Chaining



How would you describe a client with Level five functioning on the Ranch Los Amigos Scale?

a) Agitated; Appropriate 

b) Normal; Cognitively intact

c) Confused; Inappropriate

Confused, inappropriate


What are the 5 components of problem-oriented med records (POMR)?

a) type of assm, client problem list, planning, client responses to treatment, discharge summary

b) Initial assm results, client problem list, inital treatment plan, progress notes, discharge summary

1) initial assm results

2) client problem list

3) initial treatment plan

4) progress notes

5) discharge summary


What is CARF & what does it do?

a) Commision on accreditation of long term facilities; Adult day services, Assisted living facilities 

b) Commision on accreditation of rehab facilities; Adult day services, Assisted living facilities 

c) Commision on accreditation of out-patient facilities; Adult day services, Assisted living facilities 

Commision on Accreditation of REHAB facilities 

Adult day services

Assisted living facilities