Who is the Dutch painter that is known for his works "The Starry Night" and "Sunflowers."?
Vincent Van Gough
This Marvel superhero film became the highest-grossing movie of all time, surpassing "Avatar."
Avengers: Endgame
Send 2 members of your group up
Jeopardy: The 2 members from each group will swap teams with each other.
Steal: Guess the worship song
Which continent is home to the Amazon rainforest?
(Jeopardy: If answered within 20 seconds, your points will be doubled.)
South America
Who was the first major prophet of the Old Testament?
The famous ancient Greek philosopher who is widely known as the student of Socrates is _____
(Double Jeopardy 2x Points!!)
In Toy Story 3, what is the name of the daycare center where Woody and the gang end up?
Sunnyside Daycare
Send one member up
Plank Hold
________ is the largest country in South America by both area and population.
How many brothers did Joseph have?
The process of splitting a heavy nucleus into two lighter nuclei, releasing a significant amount of energy
Nuclear fission
(Jeopardy!! Flip a coin for a chance to double your points. BUT if you lose, you don't gain any points.)
Name this Disney character:
(Jeopardy: If guessed wrong/time runs out your team will lose 150 points)
All members participate
Counting Game (Highest number wins)
Based on the outline, identify the country:
Which city did Joshua and the Israelites march around for 7 days?
(Double Jeopardy 2x Points)
Someone who is fluent in 4 languages is known as a _______
What is the fourth Disney animated movie ever made?
(Jeopardy Stakes: First team has 3 guesses, but each time it is wrong; -100 points gained. If first team does not answer correctly, the 400 points will be split between the other team(s).
The Reluctant Dragon
All members participate
(Jeopardy Backfire: If stealing team loses the contest, their points will be stolen instead)
The country _______ has the highest population density in the world.
(Jeopardy: If the first team cannot guess the country correctly/the timer runs out, the following team that guesses correctly will receive double points.)
This king of Judah reigned for 55 years, introduced idolatry and pagan practices to the kingdom, and was later taken captive to Babylon, where he repented and turned back to God.
Who is this king?
King Manasseh
What is the closest star to Earth after the Sun?
Proxima Centauri
In "The Incredibles," what is the real name of the superhero known as Frozone? (First and Last name)
Lucius Best
Each Team picks a YG teacher and sends them up
Balance Push
(Best out of 3)
This country, located in the Horn of Africa, is bordered by Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, and Kenya.
Finish the verse:
"But the LORD said to me,
Do not say, "I am only a ______; for to all to whom I send you, you shall go, and whatever I command you, you shall speak"
(Bonus +250 if you state the book and verse correctly)
- "Youth"
- Jeremiah 1:7