Which theatre is in Drury Lane
Theatre Royal
Which was Tom Hanks character called in Saving Private Ryan
Captain Millar
Who is the best selling pop group of all time
The Beatles
What tv programme airs at 9am every morning on ITV
Who is the worlds highest paid actress of all time?
Scarlett Johansson
There are more theatres in New York City than London. True or False
Question: In which movie was the iconic DeLorean time machine originally a refrigerator?
Back to the future
Whist song and artist are no. 1 in the singles chart this week
As it was - Harry Styles
What year did Coronation Street first air
Which actor is married to Catherine Zeta Jones?
Micheal Douglas
Which musical writer is being questioned at present over his latest theatre show Cinderella
Andrew Lloyd Webber
Which James Bond actor turned turned down a role in The Matrix
Sean Connery
What year was Mozart born
Who was Bart Simpson teacher
Mrs Krabappel
How old is Taylor Swift
Which show has grossed the highest income
The Lion King.
What was the first Disney movie ever made called and what year
Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs. 1937
What is Adele’s last album called
What is the coffee shop called in Friends
Central Perk
As of 2022 which actor has won the most oscars
Katherine Hepburn
What was the first ever musical to play at the West End
The Belle of New York in 1898
it ran for 697 performances
How many James Bond actors have there been
What year was Beethoven’s 5th symphony written
between 1804 & 1808
What programme was the first to air on channel 4 and us still on tv today
Which 1970s popstar was tragically shot by his own father in 1984 - he was aged 44
Marvin Gaye