
This insect emerges from the earth in huge numbers periodically and sings a buzzing song in the summer.

What is a cicada?


With this simple forestry tool, you can measure tree diameter and height.

What is a Biltmore stick?


I live in the wetlands around Walnut creek and feed on the blood of aquatic reptiles and amphibians. 

What is a leech?


This data management system allows citizen scientists to view camera trap photos of animals all over the world and ID them.

A. iNaturalist      B. eBird      C. eMammal 

C. What is eMammal?

This tool is used by botanists to flatten and dry leaf samples so that they can be easily stored.

What is a leaf press?


The practice of preserving hard bodied insect specimens by pushing pins through the thorax into foam is called this.

What is insect pinning?


RIDDLE: Where do beavers keep their money?

What is the river bank?


RIDDLE: Because I can’t move fast
Getting places takes some time
You can tell where I’ve been
As I leave a trail of slime

What is a snail?


This is is a method of identification whereby groups of organisms are divided into two categories repeatedly. 

A. Identification Key    B. Dichotomous Key   C. Taxonomic Key

B. What is a Dichotomous Key?


When identifying birds, you can observe distinct stripes, spots, patterns, colors, and highlights known as:

A. Field Marks     B. Feather Marks     C. Flight Marks

A. What are field marks?


This spider is also known as the pumpkin spider, has yellow and orange markings, and can be found during the fall in the Southeast. 

A. Yellow Garden Spider    B. Marbled Orb Weaver                         C. Halloween Orb Weaver

B. What is a Marbled Orb Weaver?


The leaves of some trees are not simple, instead there are numerous leaflets attached to the main petiole; the entire structure being called this.

A. Compound Leaf     B. Palmate Leaf       C. Frond

A. What is a compound leaf?


The name of the newly installed trash trout in Little Rock creek is this.

What is NORA?


This classification lists the types of teeth that are found in one half of the upper and lower jaw. 

What is a dental formula?


The rub marks we observed on the sapling trees we monitor came from this animal.

What is a white-tailed deer? +50 if you mentioned buck or male deer!


All the following are species of North American annual cicada species except:

A. Dog-day Cicada    B. Scissors Grinder Cicada    C. Green Swamp Cicada

C. What is the Green Swamp Cicada?



In order to count tree rings on a living tree you would use a tool known as this

What is an increment borer? 


Before dragonflies undergo metamorphosis, they are aquatic invertebrates. Their larval form is known as this:

A. Damsel      B. Toe biter       C. Nymph 

C. What is a nymph?


All of the following are indicators of a MALE Eastern Box Turtle except:

A. red eyes     B. concave plastron   C. yellow markings

C. What is yellow markings?


The name of the resident Red Shouldered hawk that lives around Walnut Creek Wetland center is:

A. Henry        B. Benny      C. Bartholomew

C. What is Bartholomew?


Monarch butterfly migration starts in northeast United States and Canada and finishes in southwest Mexico. The migration takes place over four generations of butterflies and covers:

A. 300 miles  B. 3,000 miles   C. 30,000 miles

B.  What is 3,000 miles?


This group of trees produces a winged seed known as a samara that "helicopters" as it falls:

A. Oaks       B. Maples        C. Pines

B. What are Maples?


Three types of sampling techniques we have used to collect aquatic animals are:

What are Dip nets, seine nets, and debris traps?


Purple Martins primarily live in in manmade houses since they have been displaced by nonnative bird species. A popular Martin house design gets its shape from this fruit.

What is a gourd?


Mushrooms are the fruiting body of fungus which grows underground in soil and decaying plant material. The network of connected thread-like fungus underground is known as this.

What is mycelium?