How do I write my addition or subtraction of two decimals?
Line up the Decimals
-25.68 + (-15.01) =
32.5 - 89.64 =
6.9 x (-3.2) =
-18.56/0.2 =
What do you do when Adding or Subtracting Decimals with Unlike Signs?
Subtract the Decimals
-54.87 + 28.92 =
913.9 - 1103.1 =
-19.22 x 2.5 =
-9/(-0.45) =
True or False. When you multiply or divide two negative decimals, the answer will stay negative.
(-75.134) + 19.2311 =
17.9 - (-19.4) =
-5.117 x 0.36 =
-64.8/5.4 =
What do you add as "placeholders" when you add/subtract decimals.
82.11 + (-83.11) =
(-15.5) - (-15.5) =
36.1 x (-4) =
-2.04/(-0.17) =
When adding two decimals with negative signs, you get what kind of answer?
A negative answer.
-54 + 16.23 =
54 - 221.32 =
-2.43 x -4.3 =
-52.48/0.16 =