No estoy ocupado.
I'm not busy.
No he terminado mis deberes.
I haven't finished my homework yet.
No debo olvidar enviar el correo.
I mustn't forget to send the email.
Mia no toca el piano.
Mia doesn't play the piano.
No mires.
No está soleado.
It isn't sunny.
Mark no tiene coche.
Mark hasn't got a car.
Mark doesn't have a car.
No deberías llegar tarde.
You shouldn't arrive late.
No me levanté temprano esta mañana.
I didn't wake up early this morning.
No me esperes.
Don't wait for me.
Ellos no están aquí.
They aren't here.
We won't be at home on Saturday.
No me gustaría vivir en una gran ciudad.
I wouldn't like to live in a big city.
No trabajaron mucho el lunes.
They didn't work much on Monday.
No hagas ruido.
Don't make noise.
Laura no tenía hambre.
Laura wasn't hungry.
Emma no sabe nadar.
Emma doesn't know how to swim.
No quiero viajar.
I don't want to travel.
No jugamos al fútbol.
We didn't play football.
Lucy no hace ejercicio los domingos.
Lucy doesn't do exercise on Sundays.
Las tiendas no estaban abiertas.
The shops weren't open.
No dormí bien anoche.
I didn't sleep well last night.
I couldn't sleep well last night.
Ellos no estudian mucho.
They don't study much.
Oliver no cenó con nosotros.
Oliver didn't have dinner with us.
No hace calor.
It isn't hot.