What is Bio-Logic?
How our brain works as human beings
It's the reaction that helps us survive
The limbic main function is to...
Feel emotions
What is the neocortex?
This part of the brain is responsible for rational thinking, logic, and problem-solving.
European Football team that Javi (The Teacher) supports?
Chelsea F.C.
What's Conscious incompetence
The process to recognize that you may not have that skill
Because it's reactive
What is the limbic system?
This part of the brain is responsible for emotions, memory, and decision-making.
What are logical benefits?
The neocortex is engaged when a salesperson presents these types of benefits to justify a purchase.
Name the two Hobbits that make it to Mordor
Frodo and Sam
Why is the Hierarchy of Competence important for Sales?
Because our brain behavior mirrors the process of the pyramid
Why is the repitial brain important in sales?
It's what will actually create the Sale - Need
What is emotional conditioning?
The limbic system helps create strong associations between emotions and brands through this process.
What are facts and data?
In a negotiation, appealing to the neocortex rather than the limbic system means focusing on these two things.
What is the most consumed drink after water?
It's the process when we acquire a new Skill
Conscious Competence
This is not a function from the Repitial Brain:
a) Emotions
b) Survival
c) Feeling Thirsty
Who is the best teacher of Anahuac Mayab
What is analytical reasoning?
Unlike the limbic system, which makes quick emotional decisions, the neocortex engages in this type of reasoning.
Which was the biggest empire ever created?
The Mongol Empire
It's another way to call the Unconcious Competence
"Second Nature"
It's the main characteristic of the Reptilian Brain
You can't Control it
What is dopamine?
This neurotransmitter, heavily involved in the limbic system, is released when a customer feels rewarded.
What is logical deduction?
When a salesperson uses data-driven insights to prove ROI, they are appealing to this function of the neocortex. (Mostly used in B2B)
It's the first Brand to "Internationalize" their Brand