Jadyn's middle name
what gretchen gave to Will Fitzgerald
a toothbrush🪥
the bar 6/7 of us established friendship at
the color of the dress that lauren stole from grand & finn the night she screamed help me
who dressed up as mermaid man and barnacle boy for halloween
jace and luke
what regan gave up for lent
the f-bomb
this person confessed their love for lauren to kirsten
red shot that is often consumed at plums
cherry bombbbb
which boyfriend punched one of the housemates in the face
newest nickname for jack lewis
jack from tommie central
Lauren's zodiac sign
Sagittarius 🌛
boy who came over for kirsten but led her to meeting jack gray before we knew him
Bachelorette we met at Sals current boyfriends name
Thor tf
the amount of money regan was paid to be budged in the bathroom line
what kate gave up for lent
mj and cylar
Avery's brothers girlfriends name
country that daddy played hockey in
bar friend whos name is a 3 letter acronym
lauren and avery did a shot of what at cowboy jacks that quickly turned their night around
this friend was an opus tutor
which letter is not of one of the neighbors hometowns BPFGSL
jadyns dream bachelorette theme and date
lets get lucked up on st. patricks day!
things that emily shoved down the trash chute around her 21st birthday
mattress topper
5 things gretchen brought back from her walk home from plums
a stick, a book, a bike lock, american flag, and a flyer
address of jace and connors OLD house
149 Cleveland Ave