History of NWA
NWA Alphabet Soup
NWA by the numbers

NeighborWorks America was established by Congressional Charter 45 years ago, in 1978.  The bill was signed by this president who, at signing, said, "If we are to save our cities, we must revitalize our neighborhoods first. If we are to save our country, we must first give our families and our neighbors a chance."

Who is President Jimmy Carter?


Weeklong event and training series that delivers the knowledge, strategies, and tools you need to enhance your skills and revitalize your commitment to empowering the communities you serve.

What is NTI?

(NeighborWorks Training Institute)


The first National Training Institute had about 180 attendees and was held in 1987 in this city.

What is Los Angeles?


NeighborWorks supports a network of nearly this many nonprofit housing and community development organizations, which provide on the ground support for families and communities in every state, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.

What is 250?


The SWMHP became a chartered member of the NeighborWorks America network in this year. 

What is 2004?


While we know the congressionally chartered nonprofit that supports community development across the country as NeighborWorks America, this is just the name it is "doing business as".  The name of the organization in that congressional charter is this.

What is the Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation?


Brings together the talents, resources, and skills of people in a community together, increasing their collective capacity.  This comes from a belief that resident leadership is essential for communities to realize their vision for a vibrant and welcoming place to call home.

What is CB&E?

(Community Building & Engagement)


Along with supporting network organizations financially through grants, providing training and leadership development, and providing organizational assessments to evaluate network organization, there is one other key way that NWA supports its network and the broader field.  It may be through additional grant funds for pilot programs, peer exchange opportunities and capacity building.

What is technical assistance?


The direct investment per dollar of NeighborWorks America's federal appropriation

What is $59:1?


NeighborWorks assigns relationship managers to network organizations to serve as primary sources of contact.  This person is the NWA Relationship Manager assigned to SWMHP.

Who is Andre Butler?


While NWA is celebrating its 45th anniversary this year, it is said that the first "NeighborWorks" organization was born in 1968 with a grassroots, resident led campaign for better housing in her neighborhood.  This black woman was the leader of that movement and founder of the organization that became the model for NeighborWorks.

Who is Dorothy Mae Richardson?


Seeking to achieve a double bottom line of mission and profitability, this program empowers organizations to increase efficiency, achieve scale in production, create sustainability, and create impact

What is SBI?

(Sustainable Business Initiative)


Mission: NeighborWorks America creates ________ for people to live in affordable homes, improve their lives and strengthen their communities.

What is opportunities?


With more than $1 million in grants provided to more than 20 NW organizations to provide emergency housing and other assistance, NeighborWorks America took a lead role in recovery efforts following this natural disaster.

What is Hurricane Katrina?


True or False: NeighborWorks Capital funds have gone into over 57 separate development and construction projects that SWMHP has worked on, including multi-family, single-family, and commercial spaces as loans.  Once these loans are paid back to the organization, they are reinvested in other SWMHP projects.

What is true?

Originally founded in Pittsburgh, this organization became a model for community-based initiatives throughout the country and with the involvement of Federal Home Loan Bank, started expanding to other cities and regions.  The 1978 congressional charter was intended to recreate this program throughout the nation.

What is Neighborhood Housing Services?


The auditing branch of NeighborWorks which assesses and reports on the organizational capacity and performance of NeighborWorks.  This is achieved by conducting onsite and offsite reviews of network organizations every 3 years.

What is OAD?

(Organization Assessment Division)


In 1984, President Ronald Reagan acknowledged the growth of the corporation and its network and proclaimed a national observance of the first National Neighborhood Housing Week (precursor to NeighborWorks Week).  While NW Week is now recognized in June, at its inception it was recognized in this month.

What is October?


True or False: In 2023, NWA total investment across the country totaled around $92 Million.

What is false?

Grants distributed from core appropriation totaled approximately $92 Million.

Total investment totaled over $9.9 Billion.


The SWMHP became a NeighborWorks Green Organization during this year, recognizing and furthering our commitment to sustainable operations.

(Hint: This is also the year SWMHP opened an office in Mankato)

What is 2012?


Prior to the 1980s involvement of this nonprofit organization, that produces, distributes, and promotes public service announcements, NeighborWorks was known as Neighborhood Housing Services or the Neighborhood Reinvestment Council. 

What is the Ad Council?


Place-based and intentional approach aimed at improving lives and strengthening communities and works at the intersection of people, places and systems. By creating a shared vision built on a foundation of inclusive resident engagement, unified strategy and a collaborative structure to attract and deploy resources, this practice creates vibrant local communities that offer people equitable opportunities to thrive. 

Part of this process can include programming of the same acronym focused on using art, culture, and creativity to engage people and address issues.

What is CCD?

(Comprehensive Community Development, with one arm of this being Creative Community Development)


Strong partnerships are vital to supporting NWA's mission.  Together, NWA and its network, with the support of a number of organizations are making a difference by advancing the broader housing and community development field.  Name at least two organizations that support NeighborWorks financially. These can be corporate, charitable, or specific government departments.

What are: 

Innovators ($1M+): Fifth Third Bank, JP Morgan Chase & Co, Republic Services, Truist, US Dept of HUD, Wells Fargo

Champions ($250K-$999K):Bank of America, Capital One, HSBC, Kresge Foundation, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Leaders ($100K-249K): American Express, AmeriCorps, Citi, Clayton Homes, Morgan Stanley

Friends ($20K-99K): AllState Foundation, Federal Home Loan Bank System, County Health Rankings & Roadmaps, Dauby O'Connor & Zaleski, Ocwen Financial, Tableau Foundation, National Association of Realtors


True or False: The 2023 direct investment per dollar of NWA federal appropriation in Minnesota was at a ratio 1.6 times the national leverage ratio.

For fun- numbers!  The 2023 impact in Minnesota included: total state investment of $337,990,681; 924 customers counseled and educated; 1,558 jobs created/maintained; 372 new homeowners; 223 homeowners with preserved or rehabilitated homes.

What is true?

While the national impact is $59:1, the Minnesota impact is $95:1


The SWMHP has received $9,737,235 in this type of funding from NWA which has been used to fund development projects.

What is capital funding?