How many pokemon are in generation I?
What is the blue and purple fish called from WII play?
King of the pond
Nates favorite greasy Mifflin Countian?
Cheyanne Duke
Who said "This is why I need a zhonyas"?
Keyori, Barny, Trans name works too
Who famously bit the head of a bat off?
Ozzy Osbourne
Who is the trainer for the famous nuzlock ending miltank?
How big was Nelson's biggest brown trout he ever caught?
23 Inches
Name of the big gay group that had beef with the Mifflin County Tennis team?
Who said "Talkin bout pizza hut"?
Who performs the song UltraViolet?
What Base stat total does a Pokémon need to be considered a pseudo legendary?
Name for catching catfish by hand
Who did Louden try to court at Tristan Iannone's birthday party?
Camo Shorts
How many deaths did Pewdiepie have in his dark souls playthrough?
Best white rapper of all time?
Who is the sexiest Pokémon?
Lopunny, also accepting Forretress
What is the Japanese word for pufferfish?
Who did Garret Gers Bean dip in middle school and immediately got yelled at by Andrew Cassels(Forgot her teacher name) mom?
Lily Demski
What is the most viewed YouTube video?
Who used the lyric "Never let me slip, cause if I slip, then Im slippin"?
Name a pure flying type Pokémon.
Tornadus, Rookiedee, Corvisquire
What fish sighting is considered to be a bad omen and a warning for natural disasters?
What legendary Mifflin Countian from our grade has a last name that's a bugg?
Gary Grubb
What was the original app icon for YouTube on the first apple devices?
A Television
Nelson's favorite country artist?
Luke Combs