The Third City
Leading Actors
Class Structure

What was the name of the organization that fought for the rights of Public School Teachers under Mayor Daley?

What is the Chicago Teacher's Union 


Name a country from the reading that brought the neoliberal model

What is... Chile, UK (pg 7)


What marked the transition to the Third City? 

What is…. Marked by globalization and the incorporation of immigrants into the new structure of occupations in a form that made the intertwining of class and ethnicity more complicated than in the industrial era (pg. 29)

In order, who were the 4 Mayors that contributed to the rise of Neoliberalism mentioned in the "Manufacturing Industrial Decline" reading? 

What is: 

1. Richard J Daley 

2. Harold Washington

3. Eugene Sawyer

4. Richard M Daley 


Broken down, what percentage of workers are employed in the FIRE sector by ethnic group: White, African American and Hispanics?

What is… White: <50%, African American: 29%, Hispanics 16.4%


What policies allowed the Mass Incarceration of African Americans in the 2000s?

What is Criminal code provisions, policing practices, pretrial processes, and sentencing policies that have racial effects (pg. 25)


What state initiated policies cut social programs and urban funding, attacked labor unions, and removed financial regulations?

What is… the Neoliberal model (pg. 7)


What was the most important leading factor that caused significant disadvantage in the 2000s to lower income African American communities?

What is... Mass Incarceration 

Low income blacks were the strongest supporters for what mayor, who ignored calls for racial fairness.

Who is…  Mayor Richard J. Daley


 In what way did Chicago’s economy split after the transformation of the housing stock and real estate market? 

What is… High wage white collar jobs vs. low wage unskilled jobs (pg. 9)


What is the name of the surveillance system implemented across Chicago, who did it work with and how

What is CCTV (Crime Prevention and Information Center) and they worked with the Chicago Police Department (pg.6)


What were the two opposite economic developments that different mayors had to account for? 

what is... interests of the elite and the interests of community organizations


What two cities laid the foundation for the devastating impact of the de industrialization in the Third city? 

First and Second City 

(pg. 29)


What were the three distinct phases that the politics of urban economic development in Chicago has gone through?

What is... (1) 1955-1983: The growth of downtown, selective incentives to maintain electoral support while directing policy benefits into the hands of downtown elites. (2) 1983-1989: balance growth, shift in economic development priorities toward neighborhood development and industrial retention (3) 1989- : strong downtown focus accompanied by selected balanced growth efforts emphasizing industrial retention (pg. 186)


As the wealth gap continues expanding with the rich getting richer and the poor finding it harder to climb the economic class structure, what is the name given to the uppermost tier of the global economy, those that impact the real estate markets, planning and development, and political decision making?

What is...plutocracy 


Before his death in 1987 Mayor Harold Washington introduced the long-term policy objective, Chicago Works Together, he then began working with the Local Employment and Economic Development council who wanted to introduce a new industrial displacement study to project the future of industrial job losses. What proposal helped the Clybourn Corridor to prohibit residential development and instead become a place for industrial developments to grow?

What is.. The Planned Manufacturing District (PMD) (pg. 184)


What two key sources of tension had to be carefully held in check in order for Mayor Richard J Daley’s machine work?

What is... The administration's emphasis on redevelopment activities that benefited residents of Chicago’s lower income neighborhoods and the second was the division between the black and white factions of the machine’s electoral coalition itself. (pg. 178).


What two variables are believed to account for the differences in socioeconomic outcomes?

What is... cultural heritage and human capital 


What movement encouraged African Americans to be more vocal and how did that affect them?

What is... the Civil Rights Movement. It made employers not hire them because of the greater propensity to unionize.


What are the four ideological processes that tend to reduce the recognition and discussion of social inequality/ disparities in neoliberal Chicago?

What is... (1) Displacement of the marginalized and working class from visible public spaces (2). The disengagement of these groups from voting and other forms of conventional political engagements (3) the emergence of cognitive maps that encourage people to see inequality in terms of individual effort, smart choices and cultural values; and (4) a general shrinkage of the public sphere and public discussions (pg. 38)


Rahm Emanuel’s reasoning for closing down hundreds of Chicago Public Schools and the opening of charter schools was used to establish over 160 Tax Increment Financing districts. Explain what TIF is, how it works and what neighborhoods it affects?

What is... TIF districts generates resources from property taxes collected within the district boundaries, which are used to fund projects within the same bounded area. Increasing property taxes to cast away people who can’t afford the taxes anymore and are forced to leave, usually targeted towards “blighted” neighborhoods. (Pg. 5)

What did the local "producer strategy" aim to accomplish? 

What is.... Neighborhood activists wanted to self preserve and dedicate their time to rebuilding their economies in each respective neighborhood, a focus on local economic development that would hold higher retention rates compared to the overturns in the industrial growth seen downtown. (pg 181) 


What is the correlation between the socioeconomic status of an immigrant in their home country to their socioeconomic status when they are officially an immigrant of the United States?

What is... the economic condition of their country of origin and their own class position within that country correlates to their class position once they immigrate, for example if they were in a higher class in their country of origin, meaning they had an education and were well to do, when they immigrate to the United States they will be in a similar class with better opportunities compared to those from a lower class in a developing country with no education and immigrating to the United States. They are both immigrants but with different backgrounds that will affect them in the long run. (pg. 34)


True or False: Mayor Richard Daley (Sr) had a balanced growth agenda that represented both an ideological and an economic development landmark thus creating a fertile political climate for manufacturers threatened by commercial and residential redevelopment.

Who is.... False, that was Mayor Harold Washington (p. 186)


What are the distinctions that allow Hispanics in the United States to achieve upward mobility more than African Americans in the new Neoliberal Chicago? 

What is... Hispanics tend to be younger, number of workers per household is higher, have more dispersed residential distribution, status or country of origin, take lower paying jobs. (pg. 30)