80's Video Games
Classic Boardgames
Looney Tunes
Disney Renaissance

First appearing in 1983, this mushroom-stomping, pipe-surfer character is also known as "Jump-man".

Who is Mario.


In chess, it is the only piece that can jump over others.

What is the Knight?


Sounding a lot they sell teenage hormones, this is Wile E. Coyote's preferred vendor for anvils.

What is ACME Corporation?


Darling is better down where is wetter in this film that began this era of Disney films.

What is The Little Mermaid?


Also appearing in the lyrics of its theme song, this is the full title to the first series.

What is Scooby-doo, Where Are You?


Mario must have something against simians, having terrorized this father in son duo in two separate games bearing their respective names.

Who are Donkey Kong and Donkey Kong Jr.?


Among the many types of illegal words in Scrabble are these types of nouns.

What are proper nouns?


This legendary voice actor has the inscription 'That's All Folks' inscribed on his tombstone.

Who is Mel Blanc?


This tale as of old time made history by being the first animated film to be nominated for Best Picture.

What is Beauty and the Beast?


Standing taller than most breeds, Scooby is this type of pupper.

What is Great Dane?


Set in the sandy middle-east, this game was one of the first to feature rotoscoping, a motion-tracking technique used to animate the daring acrobatics.

What is Prince of Persia?

In this game's "Master Detective" version, the murdered could have used Poison, done it in the Carriage House, or been Sergeant Grey. 

What is Clue?


Also the name of a mal-functioning childrens' park ride, this is the name of the Looney Tunes theme song.

What is 'The Merry-Go-Round Broke Down'?


Starring as an antagonist in 'Die Hard', this man provided the voice of Scar six years later.

Who is Jeremy Irons?


It might be slightly insensitve, but this was Scooby's dim-witted cousin's name.

What is Scooby-Dum?


In this classic dungeon-crawler, players had the choice of Elf, Wizard, Valkyrie, and Warrior. 

What is Guantlet?


When Checkers piece reaches the opponent's side of the board, it becomes a king, but it was called this before that.

What are Men?


Starring their children, classic characters returned as teachers in this 1990's series.

What is 'Tiny Toon Adventures'?


While Japanese instead of Chinese, this Star Trek alum lent their voice in the movie Mulan.

Who is George Takei?

This basketball team was featured in several episodes, often showing off their masterful ball-handling.

Who are the Harlem Globetrotters?


Created by Will Wright, who also went on to design a popular life simulator, first released the city construction, management, and destruction simulator in 1989.

What is SimCity?


Stratego, a secretive, chess-inspired strategy game, features this many of its main Scout piece. Its only half the amount of pawns in chess!

What is eight?


Initialed 'P.P.', this poor feline was the object of Pepe le Pew's unsolicited affection.

Who is Penelope Pussycat?


This character, thanks to the talent of Robin Williams, was a master of impression, including Arseno Hall, Ed Sullivan, and Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Who is Genie?


Seldom used, Shaggy does in fact have a full legal name.

What is Norville Rogers?