What is the brain responsible for?
Physical activity, solving logical problems, dealing with emotions and feelings
What is the function of the Central Nervous System? (CNS)
Serves as a bridge between the brain and the peripheral nervous system
What are the 4 lobes of the brain?
frontal, parietal, occipital, temporal
What does a neuron do?
It is a nerve cell that transmits electrical signals to the brain
What does the term brain freeze mean?
It happens when you eat or drink something that’s cold. It chills the blood vessels and arteries in the very back of the throat, including the ones that take blood to your brain.
What are the three main parts of the brain?
Cerebrum, Cerebellum, Brain stem
Where does the PNS begin and end?
The PNS begins at the medulla to the foot.
What is the frontal lobe responsible for?
Speech, problem solving, movement, personality
What are dendrites?
They receive input from other nerve cells.
What percent of the brain is made of water?
75% is water
Which is the largest part of the brain?
What does the Peripheral Nervous System consist of?
Network of fibers across the body
What is the temporal lobe responsible for?
Process sound and memory
What is soma or cell body?
It contains a nucleus.
Which animal has the largest brain?
Sperm whale. Their brain weighs 20 pounds.
What are the two parts of the cerebrum?
Right hemisphere and left hemisphere
What does an Afferent neuron do?
Sends a message to the body to let it know what to do
What is the parietal lobe responsible for?
Touch, temperature, pain, processing sensory information
What is an axon?
It transmits electrical responses to other neurons.
How many neurons does the human brain contain?
One hundred billion neurons
What is the function of the cerebellum?
Movement, coordination and balance
What does an Efferent neuron do?
It tells the body what to do next.
What is the occipital lobe responsible for?
What we see
How many pairs of nerves does the PNS have?
43 pairs--12 originating from the brain and 31 originating from the spinal cord
How much does an adult brain weigh?
3 lbs