Contained in the skull
what is the brain
largest section of the brain
the central nervous system is made up of ______
brain and spinal cord
wave of excitation transmitted through nervous tissue
what is an impulse
list a canine virus that can effect the nervous system
Rabies, distemper,
basic unit of the nervous system
What is the Neuron
this portion controls basic life functions
What nerves make up the peripheral nervous system
cranial and spinal
nerves that carry impulses toward the CNS
Sensory Neurons
Give 1 sign of nervous system disease or disorder
behavioral changes, seizures, lack of coordination, pupil irregularity
Bridge at base of brain that connects the hemispheres
Coordinates smooth muscle activity and fine motor skills
What causes the initial reaction of an animal to run when in danger
sympathetic nervous system
carry impulses from one neuron to another
connecting neurons
the opening in the skull that the spinal cord passes through
what is the foramen magnum
caudal continuation of medulla oblongata
Spinal cord
stalk like portion of the brain that connect cerebral hemispheres with spinal cord
Known as "Fight or Flight" response
what is sympathetic nervous system
Motor Neurons carry impulses in which direction
away from the brain and spinal cord to the body
the brain is divided into _____lobes
what is 4 occipital, temporal, parietal, frontal
protective coating over nerve cells, serves as electrical insulator
small region of brain located below thalamus
This nervous system maintains and restores normal body function
parasympathetic nervous system
Space or junctions between neurons
average weight in grams of a Labrador retrievers brain
102 grams