This type of information is sent TO the Brain and is typically sensory information
What is afferent?
This neuroglia is the largest one in both number and in size.
What is an astrocyte?
This neurotransmitter is the "love" signal.
What is oxytocin?
These are the 3 Functions of the Nervous System.
Monitors internal and external environments
Interprets or integrates the information
Coordinates a response (sends signals to body)
This is the charge of the axon while AT REST.
What is -70 mV?
If you are in fight or flight mode, this system would be activated.
What is sympathetic nervous system?
This one is found mostly in ears and eyes for special senses.
What is a bipolar neuron?
This is the space between neurons.
What is the synapse?
CSF has these 4 main functions.
What are buoyancy, excretion of waste, endocrine medium, and protection?
This is the name for where the line on the graph DROPS.
What is Repolarization?
This part of the nervous system responds automatically, and can be sympathetic or parasympathetic.
What is the autonomic nervous system?
These two glial cells have the same job, to create myelin on the axon, to speed up the action potential. One does it only in the PNS, whereas the other only works in the CNS.
What are Schwann Cells and Oligodendrocytes?
This neurotransmitter is the reward signal, which is why drugs such as cocaine or alcohol greatly impact it.
What is dopamine?
These are the 3 meningeal layers in the CNS in order from the outside in.
Dura Mater, Arachnoid, Pia Mater
This ion is moving INTO the axon during depolarization.
What is Na (sodium)?
Voluntary control of muscles is part of this system
What is the somatic nervous system?
If you are sick, this neuroglia may be found in HIGHER numbers due to its job as a "clean up crew."
What is Microglia?
This type of neuron sends information from the internal organs to the brain.
What is interoceptor?
This spinal cord root will send sensory information to spinal cord and then up to the brain.
What is the motor root?
This ion is found INSIDE the Axon while at rest.
What is K (potassium)?
Sensory information is usually this, while motor information is usually this.
What is afferent and efferent?
What are ependymal cells?
This is a change in behavior based on new information
This bypasses the brain, taking in sensory information and coordinating a motor response without consulting the brain first.
What is a monosynaptic reflex?
The ______ channel closes, and then the ____ channel opens at the PEAK of the Action Potential graph.
Sodium closes, Potassium opens