A&P + Pharm
Assessing Neuro
Intracranial Disorders
Spinal Cord Disorders
CNS Disorders
A chemical produced by neurons that carries messages across the synapse to other neurons. They are stored in axon terminal.



Your are educating your client about the med phenytoin. Which of the following statements indicates a client needs additional education?

1) This medication is used to treat seizure by stabilizing the electrical activity in the brain.

2) It's important to monitor blood levels of phenytoin regularly to ensure it's working effectively.

3) If I forget my morning dose of phenytoin I should take two doses in the evening to make up for the missed one.

3) If I forget my morning dose of phenytoin I should take two doses in the evening to make up for the missed one. 

Take this med at the same time every day to maintain therapeutic level. Never double-up on doses of phenytoin to make up for a missed one.


4 fluid filled cavities in the brain that contain cerebrospinal fluid

What are ventricles?


Central nervous system consists of what two organs?

What is the brain and spinal cord?


A client is having a tonic clonic seizure. What should you do? 

When actively seizing, the client should be placed on the floor away from any hazards. Time the seizure. Clothing around the client’s neck should be loosened so that it does not affect the airway. If possible, the client should also be placed on their left side in the recovery position. Nothing should ever be placed in the client’s mouth while they are seizing.


Why is it important that a client taking Sinmet (carbidopa-levodopa) be instructed to take it at the same time every day?

Take the medication within 30 minutes of the ordered time to ensure adequate dopamine levels are maintained. Also, Avoid high-protein meals that can delay/prevent absorption.


TBIs are classified as mild, moderate, or severe based on this scale.

TBIs are classified as mild, moderate, or severe. These classifications are based on the Glasgow coma scale (GCS).

  • GSC score 13 to 15 = mild injury (sometimes referred to as a concussion)
  • GSC score 9 to 12 = moderate injury
  • GSC score less than 8 = severe injury

What CNS protective mechanism works as a Shock absorber and must be absorbed into the blood at the same rate it is created?

What is CSF or cerebrospinal fluid? 


Part of the autonomic nervous system responsible for the body's "flight or fight" response

What is sympathetic?

Bonus: What part of the autonomic nervous system is active during resting?


any inflammation of the lining of the brain and spinal cord

What is meningitis?

The part of the brain that coordinates balance and walking, maintaining posture and producing smooth coordinated movements
What is cerebellum?

A patient is taking phenelzine (an MAOI) for depression. Which of the following foods does the client need to avoid (select all that apply)

1) cheese

2) avocado

3) Banana

4) milk

cheese, avocado, banana all contain tyramine as does cured meets, fermented foods and wine.


When caring for a client who has a Cerbral Aneurysm (CA), the nurse knows which of the following is NOT a safety consideration. (choose 1)

1) maintain the head of the client’s bed between 30 to 45 degrees to decrease ICP. 

2) The client’s environment should be kept quiet and calming to promote recovery and rest. 

3)Reposition the client in bed to promote skin integrity.

4)Perform frequent neurological checks, along with checking the client’s vital signs and level of consciousness and cognition. Notify the client’s provider immediately if there is an alteration of these findings.

5) Treat with medications, such as anticoagulants, to prevent blood clot formation.

5) When the brain is affected by high blood pressure, increased ICP, medications, such as anticoagulants, amphetamines, or cocaine, an aneurysm can bleed or rupture. 

When caring for a client who has a CA, maintain the head of the client’s bed between 30 to 45 degrees to decrease ICP. Reposition the client in bed to promote skin integrity. The client’s environment should be kept quiet and calming to promote recovery and rest. The lights should be dimmed or turned off in the client’s room  Medications, such as pain relievers, calcium channel blockers to prevent narrowing of the blood vessels, and antiseizure medications, may be prescribed.  Like with any other neurological condition, perform frequent neurological checks, along with checking the client’s vital signs and level of consciousness and cognition. Notify the client’s provider immediately if there is an alteration of these findings.

space that separates the axon of one neuron from the dendrite of the next
What is synapse?

Which of the following are risk factor's for MS? (select all that apply)

1) Temperature extremes

2) Living in cold climates

3) emotional stress

4) being male

5) ages 40-70 years


Termperature extremes, Living in cold climates, emotional stress

Why does a patient taking beta-1a (Avonex) to treat MS need to monitor their blood counts?

beta-1a is an immunomodulator and can cause bone marrow suppresion and leukopenia. 


Some forms of dementia attack this lobe of the brain which is responsible for personality, judgement and higher order thinking including the capacity to plan, organise, initiate, self-monitor and control one's responses in order to achieve a goal 

Frontal lobe


Blockage of a blood vessel that supplies the brain can result in this disorder (think FAST!)

What is an ischemic stroke?


Damage to the spinal cord above this level will cause the patient to be dependent on a ventilator.

  • C1 to C4: ventilator dependence
  • C1 to C8: limited proprioception
  • T1 to T8: affects trunk movement, lack of abdominal control
  • T9 to T12: limited abdominal control
  • L1 to S5: loss of bowel and bladder functioning, affects sexual function

Which of the following are expected findings of Parkinson's? (select all that apply)

1) Stooped posture

2) pill-rolling/tremors

3) Bradykinesia

4) ataxia (muscle weakness) & Utohoff's sign

5) Lhermitte’s sign

Stooped posture, pill-rolling/tremors, Bradykinesia are all symptoms of parkinson's. 

Lhermitte’s sign (pain similar to an electrical shock that extends from the back of the head down the spine), Uthoff's sign (vision problems at increased temps) and ataxia (clumsy movements) are more associated with MS


Innermost lining of the meninges

What is pia mater?

List 2 early signs of increased intracranial pressure and 1 late sign of increased intracranial pressure.


  • Headache
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Confusion
  • Visual changes (blurred or double vision)
  • Photophobia


  • Headache
  • Nausea/Vomiting
  • Pupils fixed and dilated
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Posturing (decorticate or decerebrate)
  • Coma
  • Cushing’s triad (hypertension with a widening pulse pressure, bradycardia and abnormal respirations)

Your client is a 12-year-old with a history of hydrocephalus with shunt placement at birth. They presented with lethargy, vomitting and c/o of a headache. The mother asks you why the doctor is ordering a surgical consult. What do you say?

Lethargy, vomiting and HA are all symptoms of increasing ICP. It is likely that the client's shunt has failed and a revision is needed.


In this condition, The central canal can be narrowed, leading to compression of the CSF and spinal cord, usually in the cervical and lumbar area.

Spinal Stenosis

The central canal can be narrowed, leading to compression of the CSF and spinal cord, usually in the cervical and lumbar area. The neural foramen are openings that allow the nerve roots to exit the spinal cord. These can be compressed by disc herniation (bulging or protrusion of the intervertebral disc), hypertrophy of the posterior longitudinal ligament or ligamentum flavum, or the facet joints.

Multiple Sclerosis is a breakdown of this insulating material around the axon which enables electrical signals to travel down the axon at higher speeds. 

What is myelin sheath?